African-American superdelegates and supporters of Senator Hillary Clinton told news media Thursday that they’ll stand up against threats, intimidation and “Uncle Tom” smears rather than switch their support from Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton to Sen. Barack Obama. African-Americans who are still supporting Sen Clinton are being targeted, harassed and threatened,” said Rep. Emanuel Cleaver II (D-Mo.), a superdelegate who has supported Clinton since August. Cleaver said black superdelegates are receiving “nasty letters, phone calls, threats they’ll get an opponent, being called an Uncle Tom.“This is the politics of the 1950s,” he complained. “A lot of members are experiencing a lot of ugly stuff. They’re not going to talk about it, but it’s happening.” and this is happening all over the country.
For some Clinton supporters, the heat has been too much to bear. Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.), and Georgia Rep. David Scott switched their support from Clinton to Obama earlier this week, other black superdelegates have come under renewed pressure to do a similar about-face.
but many say they are steadfast in their support for Clinton and resent strong-arm tactics to make them change.
Rep. Diane E. Watson (D-Calif.), a black lawmaker and Clinton backer, said the intense lobbying for Obama would not alter her vote.
“I’ve gotten threatening mail,” Watson said. “They say, ‘Your district went 61-29 Obama and you need to change.’ But I don’t intimidate. I can hold the ground. … I would lose my seat over my principles.”
Is this really the politics of Hope that the Obama Camp have been preaching all along? that its ok to harassed and call other black peoples names simply because thay support Sen Clinton? whats more amazing is the fact that Obama has failed to even speak out against these kinds of outrageous and probably criminal threats of violence! is this not another form of reversed racism? in some black neighborhoods people are AFRAID to put up visible signs showing that they are supporters of Senator Clinton because they feel or have been literally threatened!
After all the Clintons did for black people and minorities in the 90s, to now treat them as they were our enemies, is truly astonishing, this kind of disloyalty is truly beyond words.
I hope Sen. Clinton fight tooth and nail for the nomination, i hope she stays and not give and inch to these fake people, even if it means division in the party, i hope she fights fire wirh fire, this kind of harassment is frankly racism, and should be stop.
Oh dear! I thought that might happen!
Thanks for the comment on my blog. I completely agree. I'm also a strong supporter of Hillary (though my vote didn't make much difference in the Democrats Abroad primary), and I think that this kind of tactic is grossly underreported. If Hillary were doing something along these lines, she would be eviscerated.
Holding out hope for Ohio and Texas!
In the same way female Obama supporters have bee pressured to switch their support to Clinton by "it's our turn" feminists in the Clinton camp. It's wrong no matter who does it.
I think it's a gross exaggeration. I think Black voters and politicians are still torn between the two candidates. While Obama brings with him the idea of hope and change, Black Americans still cannot forget what the Clintons did for America.
Perhaps your friends are badgering you, but I have not seen that amongst my friends, nor among the minority/female politicians in my state. My friends seem to be torn between Hillary and Barack (as do our delegates), and while we have debates about the candidates, we do not pressure one another on who to vote for. It's more interesting to hear the different perspectives because they give you a better understanding as to why you're voting for the candidate of your choice.
After tonight's results are in, if Hillary loses, who is your second choice?
BigYF, I've intentionally stayed neutral just to be a voice of reason and remind us to direct our vitriol at McConJob, not each other.
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