"After taking some time for serious reflection on this issue, I have decided that when I cast my vote as a superdelegate at the Democratic convention, it is my duty ... to express the will of the people," the statement said.
This is exactly one of the reasons in my opinion why the democrats will loose come november 2008, they are disloyal, and fake. they will support you as long as you are perceive to be the winner, and will drop you like garbage in a heartbeat if they think you are going to loose. everyone wants to be on the winning side right? the more and more these far left wing democrats take control of the party, the more i am convinced, that they don't have the best interest of the party at heart. they are all there for the gravy, and when its gone they move on to someone else who has more gravy.
I for one can never forgive these far left wingers for smearing Bill Clinton's name and calling him a racist, when he fought his whole life for the rights of blacks and minorities in America. if anything Obama and his people were the ones who played the race cards. and many of us know it was a calculated attempt on their part to win the black votes as this video shows..
just a couple of years ago they were even calling him the first black president, but now the gravy is somewhere else, and they are all leaving and talking crap like the Clintons were their enemies.
If there was ever anything the democrats had to learn from the Republicans, it will be loyalty, the republicans always support their own, i am a Clinton democrat and always will be, but if that sweet talker is the nomenee, my family will sit this election out.
Here is Rep John Lewis today talking about his decision to switch sides.
Whatever the outcome is, my loyalty will and always will be with the Clintons, and i pray that Obama and his cult like supporters knows what they are doing when it comes to the serious bussiness of running the affairs of this great nation.
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