If there were ever any doubt that Republican nominee for vice president Sarah Palin could not stand tall with the big boys, lastnight that doubt was almost if not erased. The 44-year-old first female Alaskan governor was unflinching as she strode on to the party's national convention stage to a roaring standing ovation and set out to show she was the right choice as John McCain's running mate.
Gov. Palin introduced herself to America before a roaring crowd at the Republican national Convention on Wednesday night as “just your average hockey mom” who was as qualified as the Democratic nominee, to be president of the United States. she said unlike Mr Obama, she had had "actual responsibilities" in the past.
Here's how I look at the choice Americans face in this election," she said.
"In politics, there are some candidates who use change to promote their careers. And then there are those, like John McCain, who use their careers to promote change.
Palin took many swings at Obama, saying he talks "one way in Scranton and another in San Francisco." She claimed he had never authored any substantive legislation and never used the word "victory" except to refer to his campaign. She also accused him of wanting to grow government and raise taxes.
The 44-year-old Governor of Alaska has taken only six days to smash her way into the American public's consciousness, having being virtually unheard-of until last Friday.
Here's a site that might shed some light on Palin....see Palin
It does seem that those supporting Obama are pretty worried about her. I have to laugh because instead of admitting it, they talk about what a stupid move it was for McCain...but if they weren't worried, why are they dragging her kids through the mud and making up stupid rumors about her?
I also saw that Obama didn't get much of a bounce after his convention and he lost it the minute Palin was announced as VP. That can't be good. You would think the Dem candidate would be winning by a landslide at this point..especially against a guy like McCain, and yet Obama can't get a sizable lead. That tells me one thing...the Democratic party backed the wrong horse. They shouldn't have gone out of their way to bury Hillary, she'd be winning by 20 points by now.
Oh, and I forgot to tell you. I'm putting all my political posts on my old blog, The Divine Democrat and non political posts on Bad Habit. I thought that it would be easier for those of my regulars who don't like my politics to still come around. I also have a lot of people who do like my views on politics who don't like to be bothered with light, fun posting. You could also find many of my political posts on No Quarter. I was asked to be a member of their team last week.
It seems funny that so many are talking about backint the wrong person for the job and if Hiilary was nominated she would be ahead.
What has happen is most or a lot of Hillary supporters, mostly women are backing McCain and not worried about how the next four years will be simply because their candidate did not win.
Case in point see Hillary supporters at The Confluence.
Then take a look at what Gov. Palin stands for on women rights:
from Click ThinkProgress
Palin Is A Member Of Anti-Abortion Group Feminists For Life.
Palin is a member of an “anti-abortion group called Feminists for Life.” When running for governor in 2002, she “sent an e-mail to the anti-abortion Alaska Right to Life Board saying she was as ‘pro-life as any candidate can be’ and has ‘adamantly supported our cause since I first understood, as a child, the atrocity of abortion.’” [Anchorage Daily News, 8/6/08]
Palin Opposes Abortion Even In Cases Of Rape Or Incest. In 2006, Palin said that even if her daughter were raped, “I would choose life.” She said that she would support abortion only if the mother’s life were in danger. [Anchorage Daily News, 11/3/06]
Palin Slashed Funding To Help Teenage Mothers. Earlier this year, Palin used a line-item veto “to slash funding for a state program benefiting teen mothers in need of a place to live.” Funding for Covenant House Alaska, which provides transitional housing for teen mothers, was cut by 20 percent — from $5 million to $3.9 million. [Washington Post, 9/3/08]
Palin Supports Abstinence-Only Policies. In 2006, the Eagle Forum Alaska asked Palin whether she would “support funding for abstinence-until-marriage education.” Palin replied, “Yes, the explicit sex-ed programs will not find my support.” [Politico, 9/1/08]
Palin Supports Parental Consent Laws For Minors Seeking Abortions. According to the Anchorage Daily News, Palin was “disappointed lawmakers let a bill die requiring girls under 17 to get parental consent for an abortion. ‘My belief is parents have the right to know about the health and welfare of their children,’ she said.” [Anchorage Daily News, 8/14/08]
Anajo has a video that is worth looking at as well...see click here
It's one thing to be uoset about your candidate not winning but it's another when you run to someone that is the opposite of your cadidate.
It seems funny that so many are talking about backint the wrong person for the job and if Hiilary was nominated she would be ahead.
What has happen is most or a lot of Hillary supporters, mostly women are backing McCain and not worried about how the next four years will be simply because their candidate did not win.
Case in point see Hillary supporters at The Confluence.
Then take a look at what Gov. Palin stands for on women rights:
Palin Is A Member Of Anti-Abortion Group Feminists For Life.
Palin is a member of an “anti-abortion group called Feminists for Life.” When running for governor in 2002, she “sent an e-mail to the anti-abortion Alaska Right to Life Board saying she was as ‘pro-life as any candidate can be’ and has ‘adamantly supported our cause since I first understood, as a child, the atrocity of abortion.’” [Anchorage Daily News, 8/6/08]
Palin Opposes Abortion Even In Cases Of Rape Or Incest. In 2006, Palin said that even if her daughter were raped, “I would choose life.” She said that she would support abortion only if the mother’s life were in danger. [Anchorage Daily News, 11/3/06]
Palin Slashed Funding To Help Teenage Mothers. Earlier this year, Palin used a line-item veto “to slash funding for a state program benefiting teen mothers in need of a place to live.” Funding for Covenant House Alaska, which provides transitional housing for teen mothers, was cut by 20 percent — from $5 million to $3.9 million. [Washington Post, 9/3/08]
Palin Supports Abstinence-Only Policies. In 2006, the Eagle Forum Alaska asked Palin whether she would “support funding for abstinence-until-marriage education.” Palin replied, “Yes, the explicit sex-ed programs will not find my support.” [Politico, 9/1/08]
Palin Supports Parental Consent Laws For Minors Seeking Abortions. According to the Anchorage Daily News, Palin was “disappointed lawmakers let a bill die requiring girls under 17 to get parental consent for an abortion. ‘My belief is parents have the right to know about the health and welfare of their children,’ she said.” [Anchorage Daily News, 8/14/08]
One other point:
“So Sambo beat the bitch!”
This was taken from click LA Progressive
Palin was talking about Obama beating Hillary.
let's talk- You might want to check your rumors out a little more carefully, the funding that she so-called slashed? She didn't take away all the funding for anyone. Here is a letter that was written by the Covenant House in Alaska correcting this rumor....
September 4, 2008
Contact: Deirdre A. Cronin
Executive Director
“Covenant House Alaska is a multi-service agency serving homeless and runaway youth, including teen mothers. The majority of the agency’s annual operating budget is privately raised, with no more than 10 to 15 percent of funds coming from state grants in any given year. We are grateful for the support we have received from Governor Sarah Palin, the Alaska legislature and our Congressional delegation over the years.
Despite some press reports to the contrary, our operating budget was not reduced. Our $3.9 million appropriation is directed toward a multi-year capital project and it is our understanding that the state simply opted to phase in its support for this project over several years, rather than all at once in the current budget year.”
Covenant House Alaska is Alaska’s largest private non-profit adolescent care agency serving homeless, runaway and at–risk youth between the ages of 13 and 21. With particular expertise in helping some of the most hopeless teens grow into independent, successful and productive adults.
Yes, she did increase it by “only” 354 percent instead of 454 percent, as part of a multi-year capital expenditures program. No, the Washington Post doesn’t appear to have corrected their story. Even after this was pointed out in the comments on the story.
Get your facts straight, Larry.
Yes, she is pro-life, and so are most Republicans, and so are most Catholics, and other religious denominations. So? Bush was President for eight years and he also had a majority in the House and Senate, do we still have abortion? Is it still legal? I thought so...
So, Larry...according to this story,
According to Lucille, the waitress serving her table at the time and who asked that her last name not be used, Gov. Palin was eating lunch with five or six people when the subject of the Democrat’s primary battle came up. The governor, seemingly not caring that people at nearby tables would likely hear her, uttered the slur and then laughed loudly as her meal mates joined in appreciatively.
A woman who doesn't want to give her name, who may have another agenda, like maybe she's an Obama supporter? You know, the kind that goes around calling anyone who won't support him a racist? Hmmm...now could it be the woman is lying? Funny how no one else repeated this story and suddenly it's in the news? I guess she also thought that her baby wasn't her's but was her daughters? LOL!
Give me real proof...not more lies and rumors.
Oh, and I assume you won't be spreading the lie about that funding that you said got cut? Doing a blog post on it to make sure the truth gets out?
Oh and Larry...that post at the Confluence, is there anything in that video that was untrue? Anything? If you can find it, please let us all in on your facts and how you got them. All that was on that video was documented.
Really, how much more of these Rovian tactics are the Obama supporters and his campaign going to use?
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