Monday, December 24, 2007

The immigration debate, why this could be a losing issue for the Democrats.

The US has always been a nation of immigrants, but while new waves of immigrants have contributed to America's economic growth, they have also been a source of controversy.
It's estimated that the number of illegal immigrants in the country could be as high as 12 million.
Why is the debate so charged? Polls suggest that a majority of Americans see illegal immigration as a serious problem for the US.Opposition to illegal immigration has been reflected in the emergence of Minutemen groups - citizens who have taken it upon themselves to patrol the US borders and to confront illegal workers in cities around the US.
With almost All the Republican candidates saying they want to be tough on illegal immigrants,and that they back a plan to build a $7bn fence along the 2,000-mile border between the US and Mexico, they are seen by most Hispanic immigrant as hostile to them, the democrats on the other hand are hoping to capitalise on the Republican disarray, and this perception that the party is hostile to Hispanics - now the largest ethnic minority group in the country - to gain more of their votes.
However, the issue is not necessarily a comfortable one for the Democrats either,As fears grow of an economic slowdown, it is also clear that many Americans blame immigrants for the loss of their jobs.

In November, the Democratic governor of New York, Eliot Spitzer, was forced by popular pressure and the New York State Senate, to withdraw a plan to allow illegal immigrants to get driving licences.

As a recent immigrant myself to this great country , i would love to see some form of immigration reform, many of these people come to the states and refused to assimilate into the society, they make demands on the one hand that they are not criminals, and on the other hand want reforms that will put them on the path to citizenship.How can you make demands of something you are not even entitle to if you were not suppose to be here in the first place?
We have to know that been here as an immigrant is not our rights, but a privilege, and that if we want to live in this great country, we have to learn Americans values. and learning their values mean assimilating and becoming one with them. After all when you are in Rome live like the Romans, when in America live like the Americans. we are in no position to be making demands, this is their country and they make the laws, all we can do is ask for their understanding,and respect .

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Vladimir Putin named Time Person of the Year?

Russian president Vladimir Putin was named Time magazine's Person of the Year on Wednesday,
The magazine recognized Putin's "extraordinary feat of leadership in taking a country that was in chaos and bringing it stability," ,In prizing stability over freedom, he has made Russia powerful again and beholden to no nation Time's managing editor Richard Stengel said.

While the Kremlin celebrated Time's selection, US officials declined to comment. White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said only that Putin was "a very intriguing figure in modern history" while the State Department sidestepped the question.

I for my part question seriously this year pick by Time magazine for person of the year, President Putin is a thug, a bully and a tyrant, he will in a heartbeat get rid of anyone who dare criticize him, as was the case last year in London when Russian agents killed a former kGB agent who was a staunch critic of the president.

and to prove my point check out this video of how his state police treats their citizens. the video clearly shows police beating up an old lady. what could she have done so much to warrant such an attack? one can only speculate.

Time magazine could have easily pick someone like former U.S. Vice President Al Gore who actually have done something to help bring awareness to countless other important issues like global warming . one would only hope that next year they will come to senses and do the right thing instead of opting to sell their magazine.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

When Career Day Goes Wrong..

Ok so what exactly does this kid wants to be when she grows up?

Have a great weekend folks

SO Funny .............................

OK people this is so funny i just had to post it. My wife and Kid are the worst people ever to sleep beside on a bed, its like a war zone when you sleep with them, and to prove my point i toke these pictures last night.

Here she is so calm on her way to work in the morning.

Now check out these two at night

No wonder i don't get enough sleep at night, and as long as these two sleeping beauties continues to sleep like this, i am afraid its always going to be the sofa for me.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Whos next?

Roberts Hawkins the Omaha gunman.

For the past few weeks it seems there have been shooting all over the news, in LAS VEGAS Assailants shot six young people Tuesday at a school bus stop, wounding two critically, in a midday attack that followed a fight over a girl, authorities said. and just few days ago in Colorado springs, Five people including the suspected attacker were killed on Sunday in a shooting near a church. and last week in Omaha a teen shot and killed 9 people at the mall. why all this shootings in the news lately? the answer is simple, the guns law in this country is too lax, in the 90s the Clinton administration try to control the sale of firearms, but everything was overturned when the republicans came to power. something has got to be done to address this problem, or the next time there is another news of shootings, it just might be your neighborhood mall.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

can Hillary Clinton win the Dems nomination for President.

With only about a month to go before the Iowa caucus on Jan. 3, it is becoming harder and harder for me to watch the news, it seems every poll is suggesting that Senator Clinton is slipping, and being one of the biggest fan of the Senator and the former President, that is not good news, I have decided not to watch the news again until i know who won Iowa on the 3rd of next month. The Vinton Eagle a local Iowa news paper today made their case as to why they think Hillary should be the party's nominee for president.

After examining each of the candidates, Sen. Clinton offers the complete package for what America needs in 2008. Through eight years as the First Lady during her husband, President Bill Clinton's administration, she helped shaped policy on a regular basis. And in an election year in which it is essential that we get it right, she is without question, the right choice.
It was 15 years ago when Hillary Clinton championed universal health care in her husband's campaign. And today, in her own campaign, she has held tight to that cause. Her health care plan would allow all Americans who so choose to have the same coverage afforded to members of Congress and all federal employees. She will see to it that no matter what preexisting condition you have, it will be covered and that any treatment or therapy will be covered in full.
In the area of foreign policy, Sen. Clinton spent eight years in the White House and the last eight in the Senate with a front-row seat to American foreign policy. She has dealt with these foreign leaders directly in critical situations up close. She has already had her on-the-job training in the White House and in the executive branch.

In the question of women's health, Sen. Clinton remains pro-choice, but she also champions a plan that would promote education, adoption and foster parenting for children of unwanted pregnancies as an alternative to abortion.

There is no doubt that other candidates in the Democratic field would make good presidents. The top two, Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois and former Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina would make excellent presidents. We could truly be comfortable with either of them in the White House.

But today is not a time to settle for "being comfortable.- Here, in 2007, going into 2008, we need to have the best.

In the current field on either side, only one candidate truly fits that description, and that is Hillary Clinton. On Jan. 3, at your local caucus site, when the opportunity comes up to step up and make your stand for your candidate, make that stand for Hillary Clinton. Carry through with Iowa's awesome responsibility to make the right choice and choose the next president of the United States.

I wholeheartedly agree.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Old man winter is here!

We had a our first real blast of old man winter today, here in the twin cities area, here is
the scene outside the front of the house today.

And here is the back of the house

And finally the scene across the street, i can't really say i am sad, in fact i wanted a white Christmas, and it seems we will have one here in the Midwest.