Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Why i will be voting for John McCain............

It infuriate me when people of my own race call me an uncle Tom or a misguided negro all because i support Senator John McCain for President, and not Senator Obama because he is black like me.
I have nothing against Senator Obama except that i do not think he is the right person to be President at this critical time in our nation history, when we are fighting two wars and Americans are seeing their savings go down the toilet. I have always been sympathetic to the Democratic party and their causes, and why its true i still believe in the ideals of the Democratic party, it is also true and i do believe strongly that the party have been taken over by the far left wing extremist of the party.
And though i hate to say it, i think Senator Obama has got this thing all wrap up, and he is going to win the Presidency.

Some Funny Obama cartoons which i found hilarious...

just thinking about it bring all sort of emotions in me, on the one hand i would love to see an African American man in the white House, yet on the other hand it scares me to think an inexperience Senator with little or no national security or foreign policy credentials will be president when the country is in such deep shit.
Over time when all the hoopla about the election is over, Americans will finally take stock and look back and see how badly these left wing extremist and their friends in the media treated a good and great American, a good public servant, who gives his all for his country, and never once question why, a great man who i have absolutely no doubt that when call upon again, will without any hesitation give his all for his Country. Such dedication, such selflessness and such honor is what i found so appealing about John McCain and it is the reason why i will be casting my vote for him.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Proudest day of my life......

Today october 22 i officially became a citizen of these great United States, I am more then ever of the conviction that despite all the problems we face at the moment, this country still is the greatest and the most generous country on the face of the planet, and i am determine to play my part and to do whatever i can to contribute to the development of my new country.

With the judge and proudly displaying my naturalization certificate right after the ceremony

Never before had Old glory meant so much to me then today......

President Bush in a video message welcoming us as new American citizens.

So the big question now is what does being an American really mean to me?.....As someone who has lived and traveled abroad, I can say that the United States is one of only a very few countries where individual liberty is held above the arbitrary power of government. it is the only country I know which takes a fair and critical look at it's own history, sometimes to the unfortunate point of obscuring the good which has been done. and although I did not approve of the War in Iraq, and still believe that we went to War for the wrong reasons, I am proud to be an American and proud of our troops fighting in other countries to protect free people everywhere. i am all for bringing the troops home, but bring them home victorious, so that the billions of tax payers dollars, and the thousands of irreplaceable lives lost on the battle field will not be for nothing.
Generations of Americans before me all came from other countries, some were poor and some very well off, but all found hopes and dreams in America the land of the free, all dare to dream and found that their dreams could come true, so it is with this sense of hope and pride that i humbly declare too that i am indeed proud to be an American....