Saturday, February 23, 2008

conservatives ready to grilled Obama on patriotism.....

Sen. Barack Obama's refusal to wear an American flag lapel pin along with a photo of him not putting his hand over his heart during the National Anthem led conservatives on Internet and in the media to question his patriotism. Barack Obama says he doesn't wear an American flag lapel pin because it has become a substitute for "true patriotism" since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks."I decided I won't wear pins on my chest," he told the media. "Instead, I'm going to try to tell the American people what I believe will make this country great, and hopefully that will be a testament to my patriotism." Now Obama's wife, Michelle, has drawn criticisim, too, for saying recently that she's really proud of her country for the first time in her adult life.
Conservative consultants say that combined, the cases could be an issue for Obama in the general election if he wins the nomination, especially as he runs against Vietnam war hero Sen. John McCain.
Last summer, Obama was photographed by Time magazine at an event in Iowa standing with his hands folded during the national anthem. His primary rivals Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton and New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson appear beside him, with their hands on their hearts.

Here is a video last summer of the sanator not honoring the U.S Anthem...

We all remember The Swift Boat campaign ad starting as a relatively small television ad buy that exploded into an issue that dogged Kerry the 2004 democratic nominee for months. The Massachusetts senator has conceded since losing to President Bush that the campaign and his lackluster response to unsubstantiated allegations he considered unworthy of a reaction likely cost him the election.
Retired Major General Scott Gration, an Obama military adviser, said he expects the attacks will only increase if Obama wins the Democratic nomination. so get ready folks, this is going to be fun to watch.


Smile and Be Kind to All ! said...

I support Obama, but this is an argument he should not wage. Symbolism means a lot to some people and for a candidate for the highest office of the land to refuse to wear the symbol of our country is a big mistake on his part. It will cost him dearly, and his supporters will be wasting energy defending him that coud be better spent on other matters. All Presidents need to show patriotism in words and symbols. There is no harm in wearing a symbol of our country. He will be turning off many people if he insists on following this path.

TomCat said...

Emmanuel, I have seen Obama with his hand over his heart, saluting the flag, on several occasions.