The US has always been a nation of immigrants, but while new waves of immigrants have contributed to America's economic growth, they have also been a source of controversy.
It's estimated that the number of illegal immigrants in the country could be as high as 12 million.
Why is the debate so charged? Polls suggest that a majority of Americans see illegal immigration as a serious problem for the US.Opposition to illegal immigration has been reflected in the emergence of Minutemen groups - citizens who have taken it upon themselves to patrol the US borders and to confront illegal workers in cities around the US.
With almost All the Republican candidates saying they want to be tough on illegal immigrants,and that they back a plan to build a $7bn fence along the 2,000-mile border between the US and Mexico, they are seen by most Hispanic immigrant as hostile to them, the democrats on the other hand are hoping to capitalise on the Republican disarray, and this perception that the party is hostile to Hispanics - now the largest ethnic minority group in the country - to gain more of their votes.
However, the issue is not necessarily a comfortable one for the Democrats either,As fears grow of an economic slowdown, it is also clear that many Americans blame immigrants for the loss of their jobs.
In November, the Democratic governor of New York, Eliot Spitzer, was forced by popular pressure and the New York State Senate, to withdraw a plan to allow illegal immigrants to get driving licences.

As a recent immigrant myself to this great country , i would love to see some form of immigration reform, many of these people come to the states and refused to assimilate into the society, they make demands on the one hand that they are not criminals, and on the other hand want reforms that will put them on the path to citizenship.How can you make demands of something you are not even entitle to if you were not suppose to be here in the first place?
We have to know that been here as an immigrant is not our rights, but a privilege, and that if we want to live in this great country, we have to learn Americans values. and learning their values mean assimilating and becoming one with them. After all when you are in Rome live like the Romans, when in America live like the Americans. we are in no position to be making demands, this is their country and they make the laws, all we can do is ask for their understanding,and respect .
Merry Christmas to you and your Family and a Happy New Year!
I agree with the new AZ law and the comments of federal Judge Neil Wake, who said any delay in implementing the law which allows suspension or revocation of state licenses of companies that knowingly hire undocumented workers would harm the state and, in particular, legal Arizona residents.
"Those who suffer the most from unauthorized alien labor are those whom federal and Arizona law most explicitly protect,'' Wake said.
"They are the competing lawful workers, many unskilled, low-wage, sometimes near or under the margin of poverty, who strain in individual competition and in a wage economy depressed by the great and expanding number of people who will work for less,'' the judge continued.
It's against the law for employers to knowingly hire illegal aliens. It's REASONABLE to expect employers to verify social security numbers of employees.
The only employees walking off their jobs, are illegal aliens and they SHOULD be denied employment, since it is against the law.
I want the federal version of this law passed. Call your elected representatives and ask them to co-sponsor the SAVE Act. The House bill HR4088 already has 131 co-sponsors, but needs more. The Senate version S2368 has only three.
Illegal aliens do not have a legal standing to question a state or federal law. Employers should do all that is possible to comply with the laws of AZ and the nation. It's their civic responsibility.
Help take our country back. Support the AZ Sanctions Law and ask your U.S. Congressmen to co-sponsor the SAVE Act.
Uh Oh! I smell SPAM! :-(
Emmanuel, I can't agree with the extreme hatred and racial bigotry of the GOP candidates. At the same time, I believe that we need to deal with the problem.
"It's estimated that the number of illegal immigrants in the country could be as high as 12 million."
That's 20% more than the entire population of the country I am in today. Whew!
That's correct HB. We just don't have the resources to deport them all at once.
We need not deport illegal aliens. We only need to deney them jobs and social services. It is illegal to employ them. Our tax dollars should not be used to subsidize them.
The states of AZ and OK has enacted laws to turn off, the "job magnet". Employers are forced to verify social security numbers. It appears to be working. They are leaving these two states. We don't even need to pay for their transportation.
A federal law like this would force many of them to simply go home. Strong state enforcement simply forces them to another state.
Contact your congrssmen and ask them to co-sponsor the SAVE Act. The House bill HR4088 has 131 co-sponsors. The Senate's version S2368 has only three. This new legislation would force all employers to verify all social security numbers and add 8,000 new BP agents to the border.
Help take our country back. Turn off the job magnet that attracts so many illegal aliens. Help pass the SAVE Act. Send an illegal alien home and help employee a legal resident.
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