Friday, February 29, 2008

Black supporters of Sen Clinton being harassed, intimidated and pressured to changed their support in favor of Obama...

Rep Diane Watson is one of the few black supporters backing Sanator Clinton.

African-American superdelegates and supporters of Senator Hillary Clinton told news media Thursday that they’ll stand up against threats, intimidation and “Uncle Tom” smears rather than switch their support from Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton to Sen. Barack Obama. African-Americans who are still supporting Sen Clinton are being targeted, harassed and threatened,” said Rep. Emanuel Cleaver II (D-Mo.), a superdelegate who has supported Clinton since August. Cleaver said black superdelegates are receiving “nasty letters, phone calls, threats they’ll get an opponent, being called an Uncle Tom.“This is the politics of the 1950s,” he complained. “A lot of members are experiencing a lot of ugly stuff. They’re not going to talk about it, but it’s happening.” and this is happening all over the country.

For some Clinton supporters, the heat has been too much to bear. Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.), and Georgia Rep. David Scott switched their support from Clinton to Obama earlier this week, other black superdelegates have come under renewed pressure to do a similar about-face.

but many say they are steadfast in their support for Clinton and resent strong-arm tactics to make them change.

Rep. Diane E. Watson (D-Calif.), a black lawmaker and Clinton backer, said the intense lobbying for Obama would not alter her vote.
“I’ve gotten threatening mail,” Watson said. “They say, ‘Your district went 61-29 Obama and you need to change.’ But I don’t intimidate. I can hold the ground. … I would lose my seat over my principles.”

Is this really the politics of Hope that the Obama Camp have been preaching all along? that its ok to harassed and call other black peoples names simply because thay support Sen Clinton? whats more amazing is the fact that Obama has failed to even speak out against these kinds of outrageous and probably criminal threats of violence! is this not another form of reversed racism? in some black neighborhoods people are AFRAID to put up visible signs showing that they are supporters of Senator Clinton because they feel or have been literally threatened!

After all the Clintons did for black people and minorities in the 90s, to now treat them as they were our enemies, is truly astonishing, this kind of disloyalty is truly beyond words.

I hope Sen. Clinton fight tooth and nail for the nomination, i hope she stays and not give and inch to these fake people, even if it means division in the party, i hope she fights fire wirh fire, this kind of harassment is frankly racism, and should be stop.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

John Lewis dumped Clinton for Obama..

Civil rights leader John Lewis,and one of the most prominent black leader the Clinton campaign had, today dropped his support for Hillary Clinton's presidential bid in favor of Barack Obama. In a written statement, Lewis said Obama's campaign "represents the beginning of a new movement in American political history" and that he wants "to be on the side of the people."
"After taking some time for serious reflection on this issue, I have decided that when I cast my vote as a superdelegate at the Democratic convention, it is my duty ... to express the will of the people," the statement said.

This is exactly one of the reasons in my opinion why the democrats will loose come november 2008, they are disloyal, and fake. they will support you as long as you are perceive to be the winner, and will drop you like garbage in a heartbeat if they think you are going to loose. everyone wants to be on the winning side right? the more and more these far left wing democrats take control of the party, the more i am convinced, that they don't have the best interest of the party at heart. they are all there for the gravy, and when its gone they move on to someone else who has more gravy.
I for one can never forgive these far left wingers for smearing Bill Clinton's name and calling him a racist, when he fought his whole life for the rights of blacks and minorities in America. if anything Obama and his people were the ones who played the race cards. and many of us know it was a calculated attempt on their part to win the black votes as this video shows..

just a couple of years ago they were even calling him the first black president, but now the gravy is somewhere else, and they are all leaving and talking crap like the Clintons were their enemies.
If there was ever anything the democrats had to learn from the Republicans, it will be loyalty, the republicans always support their own, i am a Clinton democrat and always will be, but if that sweet talker is the nomenee, my family will sit this election out.

Here is Rep John Lewis today talking about his decision to switch sides.

Whatever the outcome is, my loyalty will and always will be with the Clintons, and i pray that Obama and his cult like supporters knows what they are doing when it comes to the serious bussiness of running the affairs of this great nation.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

What really is all the fuss about??.......

A photograph circulating on the Internet yesterday of Democratic Sen. Barack Obama dressed in traditional local Somali garments during a visit to Kenya in 2006 has enraged the Sanator and his campaign. Obama campaign manager David Plouffe accused Clinton's campaign of "the most shameful, offensive fear-mongering we've seen from either party in this election." Clinton campaign manager Maggie Williams countered by saying the Obama campaign's reaction was inflaming passions and distracting voters.

"Enough," Williams said in a statement. "If Barack Obama's campaign wants to suggest that a photo of him wearing traditional Somali clothing is divisive, they should be ashamed. Hillary Clinton has worn the traditional clothing of countries she has visited and had those photos published widely.

"This is nothing more than an obvious and transparent attempt to distract from the serious issues confronting our country today and to attempt to create the very divisions they claim to decry."

I frankly don't see what the hoopla is all about, is he angry that he wore some silly outfit, and is now ashamed about it?
instead of him talking about the pressing issues that face the nation, and how he has no clue as to how to run U.S foreign policy in an unstable world, he instead would like to once again distract voters from taking a closer look at his experience. this again proves my point, the guy is all talk and no substance.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

conservatives ready to grilled Obama on patriotism.....

Sen. Barack Obama's refusal to wear an American flag lapel pin along with a photo of him not putting his hand over his heart during the National Anthem led conservatives on Internet and in the media to question his patriotism. Barack Obama says he doesn't wear an American flag lapel pin because it has become a substitute for "true patriotism" since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks."I decided I won't wear pins on my chest," he told the media. "Instead, I'm going to try to tell the American people what I believe will make this country great, and hopefully that will be a testament to my patriotism." Now Obama's wife, Michelle, has drawn criticisim, too, for saying recently that she's really proud of her country for the first time in her adult life.
Conservative consultants say that combined, the cases could be an issue for Obama in the general election if he wins the nomination, especially as he runs against Vietnam war hero Sen. John McCain.
Last summer, Obama was photographed by Time magazine at an event in Iowa standing with his hands folded during the national anthem. His primary rivals Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton and New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson appear beside him, with their hands on their hearts.

Here is a video last summer of the sanator not honoring the U.S Anthem...

We all remember The Swift Boat campaign ad starting as a relatively small television ad buy that exploded into an issue that dogged Kerry the 2004 democratic nominee for months. The Massachusetts senator has conceded since losing to President Bush that the campaign and his lackluster response to unsubstantiated allegations he considered unworthy of a reaction likely cost him the election.
Retired Major General Scott Gration, an Obama military adviser, said he expects the attacks will only increase if Obama wins the Democratic nomination. so get ready folks, this is going to be fun to watch.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

President Bush Tours Africa where his popularity is high....

Bush began a six-day, five-nation tour of Africa on Friday, hoping to showcase progress on AIDS and malaria and his commitment to economic development on the world’s poorest continent.
Bush and first lady Laura Bush will visit Benin, Ghana and Tanzania — three of Africa’s most stable countries — as well as Liberia and Rwanda, which have emerged from civil wars.
A recent Pew poll of 47 nations found that George Bush and America's popularity is exceptionally high in Africa, where some hold the U.S. in higher regard than Americans do themselves,
President George W. Bush is greeted by President Boni Yayi of Benin, and his wife, Madame Chantal de Souza Yayi, as he and Mrs. Laura Bush deplane Air Force One Saturday, Feb. 16, 2008, at the Cadjehoun International Airport in Cotonou, Benin. President George W. Bush is greeted by flower girls upon arrival Saturday, Feb. 6, 2008, at Cadjehoun International Airport in Cotonou, Benin, after he and Mrs. Laura Bush arrived at the first stop on their five-country, Africa visit.

Tanzanian women in dresses bearing the likeness of President George W. Bush wave flags from Tanzania and the United States as they await the arrival Saturday, Feb. 16, 2008, at Julius Nyerere International Airport in Dar es Salaam of President Bush and Mrs. Laura Bush.

Young women in traditional costume dance during welcoming ceremonies for President George W. Bush and Mrs. Laura Bush Saturday, Feb. 16, 2008, at Julius Nyerere International Airport in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Amazing grace like you never heard it before...

I found this video of amazing grace been sang by this pastor and i was like wow! what a great, great teacher, and man what a beautiful randition of the song.

all i can say to that is WOW! BRAVO!

Friday, February 8, 2008

Clinton could pull out of MSNBC debates over MSNBC's David Shuster comments...

A distasteful comment about Chelsea Clinton by an MSNBC anchor, David Shuster could imperil Sen. Hillary Clinton's participation in future presidential debates on the network, a Clinton spokesman said.
Clinton communications director Howard Wolfson on Friday said David Shuster distasteful comment about Chelsea Clinton was beneath contempt" and disgusting.
"I, at this point, can't envision a scenario where we would continue to engage in debates on that network," he added.
Wolfson pointed to what he called a pattern of tasteless comments by MSNBC anchors about the Clinton campaign. Weeks ago, "Hardball" host Chris Matthews apologized to the former first lady after suggesting her political career had been made possible by her husband's philandering.
Over and over again we have seen the media especially Msnbc going after senator Clinton, sometimes harshly just so that she can make mistakes, and her opponent can have an edge over her, we saw that in the msnbc debates, we have seen that many times on the Chris Matthews's hardball show, and now this David shuster's distasteful comment, about chelsea being pimped by the Clinton camp to beg celebraties, and senators to support her mother's presidential bid. Today the network was all over the air apologizing to the Clintons for their stupid comments.

I hope they play fair from now on.

Interesting Interview......

Would Ann Coulter really vote for Hillary? or is this another way the media is using to make Senator Clinton look like a Republican to democrats, and paint Obama as the only one who can bring change?

The day Ann Coulter vote for a Clinton, will be the day pigs fly in my opinion.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Still the best.......

I am frankly disappointed with the result that Hillary got yesterday, With the media and democratic party elite all behind senator Obama, and Hillary running out of cash, the momentum is surely on his side, it seems everybody is voting for change instead of Experience, the Senator from Illinois is surely feeling good about himself these days but one thing is for sure, win or loose Senator Clinton will always be my Favorite.

Whatever happens she will still be the best.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Massive turnout at Minnesota caucuses, Traffic jams reported all over the metro.

DFL party officials had predicted earlier today that 75,000 to 100,000 Democrats would show up for their local caucuses and register their choice for president, a significant boost beyond the 56,000 who turned out for the last presidential contest in 2004. Minnesota Republicans also expected a big bump in caucus participants, Minnesota GOP spokesman Mark Drake told the press he is expecting a huge turnout, About 25,000 turned out for the 2004 caucuses, when President Bush was running for reelection; this year, Drake said all signs pointing to a turnout between 35,000 and 50,000. so far it seems their prediction is holding true, traffic in the twin cities area around some polling stations were sometimes backup for miles, Traffic jams outside caucus places, lines winding down the block and packed meeting rooms tonight seemed to bear out predictions that caucus turnout this year might bust records. MnDOT said traffic was heavier than normal in some areas, but spokespeople from both the Republican and DFL party said they haven't heard of any complaints because of traffic.In Eden Prairie, Minn., traffic patrols have been called out to assist in controlling the chaos.