Hillary Clinton revived her faltering campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination on Tuesday night, scoring an important victory in Ohio, Rhode Island , and Texas. Hillary Rodham Clinton has been telling Democrats for months that she's a fighter, and she proved it with an aggressive recovery strategy that helped her revive her moribund candidacy on Tuesday. After an exhaustive night the Clinton campaign is not only alive but it is well. Just when people think that Hillary’s Campaign is dead she does it again, She rebounces. Hillary was 11 down and did the unthinkable and brought Obama's momentum to a screeching halt.

Now more then ever it is time for these two, to think about running together on the same tickets, and i hope for the sake of the democratic party, they will seriously consider that option.
I think she has poisoned the water in the well of Democrats. I used to love her. I can not imagine having to listen to her or watch her on TV for the next four years.
I must say that I agree with Vigilante. I did not have a dog in this fight but Hillary is playing as if she has to become the next Democratic nominee or there is no one worth voting for.
She twisted the criticism of the NAFTA and Canadian report on Obama. See Hillary and Report
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