Hillary Rodham Clinton adviser James Carville is refusing to apologize for comparing New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson to Judas. and why should he? the more i see all the back stabbings and how disloyal some of these democrats are, the more i am liking Mccain and his straight talk express.
Carville made the comparison to The New York Times after Richardson, once a member of President Clinton's Cabinet, endorsed Hillary Clinton rival Barack Obama last week for the Democratic presidential nomination. Carville called it an "act of betrayal," and pointed out that it came during Holy Week.
Carville made the comparison to The New York Times after Richardson, once a member of President Clinton's Cabinet, endorsed Hillary Clinton rival Barack Obama last week for the Democratic presidential nomination. Carville called it an "act of betrayal," and pointed out that it came during Holy Week.
Carville told CNN on Monday that Richardson had committed an "egregious act" and he intended to make a sharp response to it.
"I wanted to use a very strong metaphor to make my point," Carville said. "I doubt if Governor Richardson and I will be particularly close in the future."
Thank you Mr Carville you could not have said it more rightly.
"I wanted to use a very strong metaphor to make my point," Carville said. "I doubt if Governor Richardson and I will be particularly close in the future."
Thank you Mr Carville you could not have said it more rightly.
I don't get it how Richardson is a Judas because he feels that Obama is right for him.
Does the Clintons on him or is he paid to support them?
I feel that Richardson had the right to go with whom he thought was best for him to support.
I agree with you 100%, emmanuel.
It's the way Richardson went about this. He continued to tell the Clinton's that he would either support them or remain quiet, but instead he looked at the polls and saw an opportunity to get something out of Obama. I have no doubt in my mind that Obama promised him some sort of Cabinet seat or perk and Richardson sold out the Clinton's.
If Richardson was a stand up guy and not such a wuss, he would have been straight from the beginning. He sold out and I hope that when Hillary wins, he'll eat his words and kiss his political career good-bye.
Obama is a self-serving asshole who doesn't deserve to win, especially considering he is disenfranchising FL and MI voters. Scumbag...he's nothing but a scumbag and I won't vote for him if he's the nominee. He didn't earn my vote with honesty, he's done nothing but lie his way through this campaign and bamboozled all his adoring fans into thinking he's "the one".
It's getting nasty in the Democratic party that some would call Richardson a Judas because he is his own man. See Times
I am voting for whomever walks away with the Democratic nominee because we have complained too long and fought too hard to allow McCain to waltz into the White House and destroy this country even more.
There is no hate in me for either candidate and to be honest my post just tells who is lying and who is not. There is no hate and there is no race card tricks.
Richardson has a right as all Americans to pick who he feels is better to run this country in his opinion and by going for Obama against friends say a lot for Obama.
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