Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New year folks................
2008 was a difficult year for our Country, millions of Americans face serious financial troubles, a lot of people lost their homes, our country faces the worst recession in years, our gallant men and women of the United States armed forces were fighting wars on two fronts.
But we as a country still have much to be thankful for, we have been in more difficult times then this, and with God's grace this one will pass too.
I found this song by Brooks and Dunn really inspiring, hopefully we can all get back up when we fall, and keep fighting until we succeed.
Here is Brooks And Dunn features Reba in their hit song call Cowgirls don't cry..
Good bye 2008 and welcome 2009
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Israel has a right to protect its people........
Today all over the Muslim world people are marching and protesting Israel's military action against Hamas. but my question is how come they didn't say anything when radical Hamas broke the six months truce with Israel and starting firing rockets deeper than ever into Israel.
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert practically beg on Arab TV for Hamas to stop their attacks on Israel, but they would not listen.
I am sorry if any innocent people die in this latest round of fighting, but Gaza is run by a terrorist organisation who are bent on one thing and one thing only killing innocent people.
It is time to teach Hamas a lessson, they have to know that firing rockets and killing innocent people will not be tolerated.
I mean would we sit by and let rockets be fired into the the United States from Mexico? of course not, nations have the rights to to protect their citizens, and that is exactly what Israel is doing.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
President Bush targeted by shoe thrower.....
President Bush today ducked a pair of shoes hurled at his head — one shoe after the other — in the middle of a news conference with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.
The shoe attack came as Bush and al-Maliki were about to shake hands. The assailant — later identified as television correspondent Muntadar al-Zeidi — leapt from his chair and hurled his footwear at the president, who was about 20 feet away.
My question to this whole mess is how the bloody hell could the secret service let this happen? where they in the back having donuts while the president was in harms way? i mean what the hell are we paying them for? in a high risk country such as Iraq, one would think they would be all over the place and keeping their eye on everybody.
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But the President always the joker that he is made light of the moment.
"Don't worry about it," the president said as the room erupted into chaos.
"So what if the guy threw a shoe at me?" Bush said, comparing the action to political protests in the United States.
"If you want the facts, it was a size 10," he joked.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
And so the party begins.........
Just a month after they took both the White House and Congress, Democrats so greedy for power are about to show their true colors.
Today in a blatant disregard for the law the democratic governor of Illinois Rod Blagojevich was arrested on corruption charges.
Blagojevich was accused of threatening to withhold state assistance to the Tribune Company because their editors were critical of him, and trying to sell the U.S. Senate seat vacated by fellow Democrat President-elect Barack Obama.
"The breadth of corruption laid out in these charges is staggering," U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, the federal prosecutor, said in a statement.
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The 51-year-old Blagojevich and his chief of staff, John Harris, were charged in a federal complaint with conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud and solicitation of bribery. Both were taken into custody at their homes in Chicago.
This is exactly the reason why one political party should not have total control, because then they start to feel they are above the law. I am sure there will be a lot more of these kinds of stories in the future, so we better all get ready for the long roller coaster ride.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Georgia Sen. Chambliss wins re-election in runoff...
Democrats' hopes of winning a 60 seat filibuster-proof majority in the Senate came to an end tonight with the re-election of Georgia Republican Sen. Saxby Chambliss.
With 70 percent of the precincts reporting, Chambliss captured 60 percent to Martin's 40 percent. Chambliss' win is a rare bright spot for Republicans in a year where they lost the White House as well as seats in the House and the Senate. i could not have been happier. if the democrats had won this critical seat, it would have been like giving these Democrats a blank check to carry out their crazy left wing ideology. i keep telling people, i am still a democrat but a Clinton democrat who believe that the best way to run this country is from the center, and not the far left or far right.
There needs to be a check and balance in the senate, and Chambliss victory tonight will help ensure just that.
Turnout was light throughout the state Tuesday. A spokesman for Secretary of State Karen Handel predicted between 18 and 20 percent of the state's 5.75 million registered voters would cast ballots — far less than the 65 percent who voted in last month's general election.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Another reason again why America must win the war on terrorism.................
If there was ever any reason for President elect Obama and the Democrats to not continue the tough policies of the Bush administration on the war on terrorism, today that reason was taken off the table.
Ayman al-Zawahri Al-Qaida's No. 2 leader used a racial epithet to insult Barack Obama in a message posted Wednesday, describing the president-elect in demeaning terms that imply he does the bidding of whites. Al-Zawahri also called the president-elect — along with secretaries of state Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice — "house Negroes."
The 11-minute 23-second video features the audio message by al-Zawahri, who appears only in a still image, along with other images, including one of Obama wearing a Jewish skullcap as he meets with Jewish leaders.
Al-Zawahri said Obama's election has not changed American policies he said are aimed at oppressing Muslims and others.
"America has put on a new face, but its heart full of hate, mind drowning in greed, and spirit which spreads evil, murder, repression and despotism continue to be the same as always," the deputy of al-Qaida chief Osama bin Laden said.
He said Obama's plan to shift troops to Afghanistan is doomed to failure, because Afghans will resist.
"Be aware that the dogs of Afghanistan have found the flesh of your soldiers to be delicious, so send thousands after thousands to them," he said.
I hope President elect Obama and the incoming government take this threat serious and finally do something about this menace, instead of only giving speeches about how they want to sit and talk to terrorist and people who supports them.
If we have to fight forever in Afghanistan to rid that country of these bastard, and protect America, so let it be.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Happy veterans day......................
Today is the day we honor our men and women of the United States Armed forces who sacrifice everything to put their country first.
We are grateful for your service, we honor you and we thank you for your service.
famous veterans day quotes............
It is easy to take liberty for granted, when you have never had it taken from you.
Dick Cheney.
This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave.
Elmer Davis.
We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude.
Cynthia Ozick .
Freedom is never free.
Author Unknown.
As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.
John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
How important it is for us to recognize and celebrate our heroes and she-roes!
Maya Angelou.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Power hungry Democrats ready for revange and retribution.....
Joe Lieberman faces the possible loss of his chairmanship of the Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee for backing John McCain.
Just days after their victory in which the Democrats took control of both the White house and the Congress, they are ready for revenge and retribution against anybody who did not subscribe to their way of thinking.
The first in many casualties it seems will be Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman.
Lieberman met privately with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who afterward reiterated Democratic concerns. Reid, in a sternly worded statement after the 45-minute meeting, said no official decisions have been made. But an aide to the Nevada Democrat said Reid was leaning toward removing Lieberman as chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.
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Lieberman backed McCain over Obama for president largely because McCain, unlike Obama, supported the Iraq war. He appeared regularly with McCain on the campaign trail and spoke at the Republican Party's national convention.
In endorsing McCain, Lieberman became the first nominee of a major party presidential ticket to later support a candidate of the opposing party. He was Al Gore's No. 2 in the 2000 White House race.
Despite splitting with most Democrats on the war in Iraq, Lieberman tends to vote with them on domestic issues such as health care, education and the environment.
In my opinion these greedy and power hungry democrats are all hypocrites, Let's unite they say for the good of the country, but, NO, let's punish those who differ from the Democrat agenda.
Joe Lieberman is an honest, decent politician who votes with his conscious not just his party. He had every right to back McCain, just like some of us who supported Hillary Clinton decided to support Senator McCain for president. And by God if this is the politics of hope and change they have been preaching all along, then we are all in deep shit.
Joe is an asset to the Democratic party and Harry Reid and Nancy Polosi will be foolish in their thinking if they let him go.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Obama elected President of the United States......
Senator Obama made history today as the first black man to win the White house and thus becoming the next president of the United States. and though i did not support him for President, i congratulate him on this historic moment in the nation's history.
In choosing Obama as the 44th president, the nation took a historic leap beyond its legacy of slavery and toward healing racial tensions just four decades after the tumultuous Civil Rights movement.
But the hard part is still ahead of us, As the 44th president, Obama will move into the Oval Office as leader of a country that is almost certainly in recession, and fighting two long wars, one in Iraq, the other in Afghanistan.
Obama has said his first order of presidential business will be to tackle the economy. He has also pledged to withdraw most U.S. combat troops from Iraq within 16 months.
withdrawing the troops from Iraq and bringing them home in defeat when victory is just in sight is the main reason i voted against him. time and time again i have said that i was not in favor of the war in Iraq, but now that we are there we have to win the war and bring our young men and women who have pay so much in service to their country home victorious.
John McCain was a great man and i am proud to have supported him, but now the election is over and i hope for the sake of our great country, we will unite and do what is right for the benefit of the nation. God bless America, and God bless the the New President.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Why i will be voting for John McCain............
It infuriate me when people of my own race call me an uncle Tom or a misguided negro all because i support Senator John McCain for President, and not Senator Obama because he is black like me.
I have nothing against Senator Obama except that i do not think he is the right person to be President at this critical time in our nation history, when we are fighting two wars and Americans are seeing their savings go down the toilet. I have always been sympathetic to the Democratic party and their causes, and why its true i still believe in the ideals of the Democratic party, it is also true and i do believe strongly that the party have been taken over by the far left wing extremist of the party.
And though i hate to say it, i think Senator Obama has got this thing all wrap up, and he is going to win the Presidency.
just thinking about it bring all sort of emotions in me, on the one hand i would love to see an African American man in the white House, yet on the other hand it scares me to think an inexperience Senator with little or no national security or foreign policy credentials will be president when the country is in such deep shit.
Over time when all the hoopla about the election is over, Americans will finally take stock and look back and see how badly these left wing extremist and their friends in the media treated a good and great American, a good public servant, who gives his all for his country, and never once question why, a great man who i have absolutely no doubt that when call upon again, will without any hesitation give his all for his Country. Such dedication, such selflessness and such honor is what i found so appealing about John McCain and it is the reason why i will be casting my vote for him.
I have nothing against Senator Obama except that i do not think he is the right person to be President at this critical time in our nation history, when we are fighting two wars and Americans are seeing their savings go down the toilet. I have always been sympathetic to the Democratic party and their causes, and why its true i still believe in the ideals of the Democratic party, it is also true and i do believe strongly that the party have been taken over by the far left wing extremist of the party.
And though i hate to say it, i think Senator Obama has got this thing all wrap up, and he is going to win the Presidency.
Some Funny Obama cartoons which i found hilarious...
just thinking about it bring all sort of emotions in me, on the one hand i would love to see an African American man in the white House, yet on the other hand it scares me to think an inexperience Senator with little or no national security or foreign policy credentials will be president when the country is in such deep shit.
Over time when all the hoopla about the election is over, Americans will finally take stock and look back and see how badly these left wing extremist and their friends in the media treated a good and great American, a good public servant, who gives his all for his country, and never once question why, a great man who i have absolutely no doubt that when call upon again, will without any hesitation give his all for his Country. Such dedication, such selflessness and such honor is what i found so appealing about John McCain and it is the reason why i will be casting my vote for him.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
The Proudest day of my life......
Today october 22 i officially became a citizen of these great United States, I am more then ever of the conviction that despite all the problems we face at the moment, this country still is the greatest and the most generous country on the face of the planet, and i am determine to play my part and to do whatever i can to contribute to the development of my new country.
So the big question now is what does being an American really mean to me?.....As someone who has lived and traveled abroad, I can say that the United States is one of only a very few countries where individual liberty is held above the arbitrary power of government. it is the only country I know which takes a fair and critical look at it's own history, sometimes to the unfortunate point of obscuring the good which has been done. and although I did not approve of the War in Iraq, and still believe that we went to War for the wrong reasons, I am proud to be an American and proud of our troops fighting in other countries to protect free people everywhere. i am all for bringing the troops home, but bring them home victorious, so that the billions of tax payers dollars, and the thousands of irreplaceable lives lost on the battle field will not be for nothing.
Generations of Americans before me all came from other countries, some were poor and some very well off, but all found hopes and dreams in America the land of the free, all dare to dream and found that their dreams could come true, so it is with this sense of hope and pride that i humbly declare too that i am indeed proud to be an American....
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Can Taxpayers afford another Bailout?...................
I am not an expert in matters relating to finance and investing in the stock market, but i really don't understand why U.S tax payers have to bailout wall street and these huge banks who have brought this present crisis upon themselves.
Wall street and these banks have been greedy, and practically stealing from the American people with their sub prime loans and other bad investments. I feel no pity for them or their big fat executives who get richer and fatter of the American people. I see no reason whatsoever to leave my daughter bankrupt and billions of dollars in debt. let these people swallow their own pills.
Let wallstreet lick its own backside, the American people just cannot afford anymore bailout...
If the experts are right, the nation now risks great financial hardship, because there is no one to stand up and explain the situation. Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson warned Monday afternoon that car loans and student loans were likely to tighten. Other economists have warned of the possibility of widespread corporate failures and unemployment, if the short-term credit markets freeze up. Bank failures, or mergers, are likely to continue. The taxpayer costs of federal insurance on deposits could increase. so either way we are all fucked big time.
I would much rather Congress focus on helping the millions of Americans who now face dire financial hardship, and the countless others who are about to lose their home because of these fools.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Bush address to the nation on the nation's finacial crisis...
Speaking in the most scary and dire terms, President Bush on Wednesday warned Americans and lawmakers reluctant to pass a historic financial rescue plan that failing to act fast risks wiping out retirement savings, increasing foreclosure rates, job losses, closed businesses and "a long and painful recession." Bush called on Congress to pass the administration's rescue plan for Wall Street, which would leave taxpayers on the hook for up to $700 billion--just before Election Day. The president told the public that the "rescue effort is not aimed at preserving any individual company or industry."
He said the government is the only entity that is capable of buying financial firms' troubled assets at their current low prices and holding them until their value returns to normal. He argued that if a bailout is not approved, foreclosures would rise, millions of people could lose their jobs and reminded them that "ultimately our country could experience a long and painful recession."
The economic crisis is almost certain to overshadow the rest of Bush's four months left in office and could hugely impact his legacy.
The economic crisis is almost certain to overshadow the rest of Bush's four months left in office and could hugely impact his legacy.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Top Clinton fundraiser known as the Hellraiser switches support to McCain...
A top Hillary Rodham Clinton fundraiser threw her support behind Republican John McCain on Wednesday, saying he will lead the country in a centrist fashion and accusing the Democrats of becoming too extreme. Lynn Forester de Rothschild, a prominent Hillary Clinton supporter, will announce her support of Sen. John McCain during a press conference on Wednesday.
Forester, a member of the DNC's Platform Committee and Democrats Abroad chapter, said she will "campaign and help him through the election, but will not switch parties" according to her spokesman.
"I believe that Barack Obama, with and Nancy Pelosi and Howard Dean, has taken the Democratic Party — and they will continue to — too far to the left," Lynn Forester de Rothschild said. "I'm not comfortable there."
Forester was a major donor for Clinton, earning her the title as a "Hillraiser" for helping to raise at least $100,000 for Clinton's presidential campaign, which she lost to Obama.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
America Will never forget...............
Today September 11 2008 mark the seventh anniversary of the 9/11 attack on America.
we will never forget the brave men and women who lost their lives as the buildings were destroyed,neither will we ever forget those who lost their lives trying to save others. We salute you. We remember you. we honor you. We will never in peace.
And to the surviving relatives and friends, of those who die, there is nothing we can ever do to ease your pain, I can only offer my prayers.
we will never forget the brave men and women who lost their lives as the buildings were destroyed,neither will we ever forget those who lost their lives trying to save others. We salute you. We remember you. we honor you. We will never in peace.
And to the surviving relatives and friends, of those who die, there is nothing we can ever do to ease your pain, I can only offer my prayers.
Monday, September 8, 2008
When will the Democrats ever learn..................
As Sen. Obama sinks in the poll and the GOP steals the spotlight for the first time. Sen Obama its seems is at a lost as to how to counter the the Sarah Palin effect. today word is coming out that Barack Obama planned to "dispatch" Hillary Clinton and other prominent women Democrats to counter the energy Sarah Palin has brought into the presidential race.
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The Obama camp in my opinion made a colossal mistake by not putting Sen. Clinton on the ticket, now they are about to pay a huge price for underestimating the power of women, when they loose the election in November.
I can just see them in panic mode right now and having second thoughts for not adding Clinton to the ticket. now their ego and arrogance will be the ruin of the Democratic party. as ususal,the democtats have manage to screw up big time again.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Obama falls in the polls, McCain takes lead.......
The Gallup daily tracking poll is reporting that John McCain has overtaken Barack Obama in a recent poll just taken.McCain leads Obama 48 percent to 45 percent among registered voters, by Gallup’s measure. McCain has so far earned the same convention bounce as Obama, though at a more rapid pace.
Rasmussen’s daily tracking poll also reported today that when "leaners” are included, Obama and McCain are now tied at 48 percent. That means that, by Rasmussen’s measure, Obama’s 6-point bounce has been erased. CBS News polling had shown the same outcome midway through the GOP convention.
McCain’s rise in the polls comes as Nielsen Media Research reported that the Republican convention earned more television viewers than the Democratic convention. Republicans earned an average audience of 34.5 million, while Democrats earned an average viewership of 30.2 million.
This can not be good news for the Democrats,maybe its time for the Dems to make that 3 am phone call to Senator Clinton, because God knows they need all their heavy guns on the front lines.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
McCain, Palin draws huge crowds.........
With the polls showing the the race for President dead even, and Obama and the Democrats not getting any traction since their convention ended in Denver, and the Republicans growing ever confident in both their nominee for president and vice president, the Obama camp must surely be nervous by now. today it was learned that the Obama camp was sending out a team of women surrogate to blunt the impact of the Sarah Palin pick as John McCain's running mate.
Big crowds cheered the Arizona senator and Alaska governor as they made their post-convention debut in Democratic-leaning Wisconsin and Michigan, presenting themselves as a team of reformers eager to challenge Washington's political establishment.
"Change is coming, change is coming," McCain promised the audience, borrowing the same theme that Democrat Barack Obama has made the centerpiece of his run for the White House.
The Republican team plans to campaign together in hotly contested states — Wisconsin and Michigan on Friday, Colorado and New Mexico on Saturday — and then go their separate ways.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Sarah Palin proves she can stand tall with the boys.......
If there were ever any doubt that Republican nominee for vice president Sarah Palin could not stand tall with the big boys, lastnight that doubt was almost if not erased. The 44-year-old first female Alaskan governor was unflinching as she strode on to the party's national convention stage to a roaring standing ovation and set out to show she was the right choice as John McCain's running mate.
Gov. Palin introduced herself to America before a roaring crowd at the Republican national Convention on Wednesday night as “just your average hockey mom” who was as qualified as the Democratic nominee, to be president of the United States. she said unlike Mr Obama, she had had "actual responsibilities" in the past.
Here's how I look at the choice Americans face in this election," she said.
"In politics, there are some candidates who use change to promote their careers. And then there are those, like John McCain, who use their careers to promote change.
Palin took many swings at Obama, saying he talks "one way in Scranton and another in San Francisco." She claimed he had never authored any substantive legislation and never used the word "victory" except to refer to his campaign. She also accused him of wanting to grow government and raise taxes.
The 44-year-old Governor of Alaska has taken only six days to smash her way into the American public's consciousness, having being virtually unheard-of until last Friday.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Lieberman Makes the case for McCain, slam Dems....
Sen. Joe Lieberman, the Democratic vice presidential pick eight years ago, speaking at the Republican national convention on Tuesday criticized his party's nominee as an untested candidate unwilling to challenge powerful interest groups as both Republican John McCain and one-time Democratic President Clinton have done.
"Sen. Obama is a gifted and eloquent young man who can do great things for our country in the years ahead," Lieberman said in prepared remarks. "But eloquence is no substitute for a record — not in these tough times."
He cited McCain's bipartisan work on campaign finance reform, his role in helping create the 9/11 Commission and stance against wasteful government spending.
"Both of the presidential candidates this year talk about changing the culture of Washington, about breaking through the partisan gridlock and the special interests that are poisoning our politics," Lieberman said. "But, my friends, only one of them has actually done it."
I really thought this was one of the best speech as to why McCain should be President, and i dare say i love the Republican convention theme Country First.....
Monday, September 1, 2008
Thousands protest RNC covention In St.Paul..
Chanting "war is not pro-life" and holding signs criticizing President George W. Bush, Thousands of, sign-waving protesters filled the streets of St. Paul on Monday, as Republicans prepared for a low-key opening to their presidential nominating convention.
Earlier Monday, a group of self-described anarchists threw park benches into streets and smashed windows. police said that 13 people had been arrested so far, ad they are accused of damage to property and conspiracy to riot. Those arrested will be formally charged in Ramsey County District Court on Tuesday.
Besides damaging private property, the group also smashed in the windows of five squad cars.
The arrest of the "anarchists" came after nearly 5,000 protesters marched peacefully outside the site of the convention site.
Earlier Monday, a group of self-described anarchists threw park benches into streets and smashed windows. police said that 13 people had been arrested so far, ad they are accused of damage to property and conspiracy to riot. Those arrested will be formally charged in Ramsey County District Court on Tuesday.
Besides damaging private property, the group also smashed in the windows of five squad cars.
The arrest of the "anarchists" came after nearly 5,000 protesters marched peacefully outside the site of the convention site.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Will Sarah Palin bring in the famale vote for the GOP?.....
In GOP VP candidate Sarah Palin's acceptance speech in Dayton, Ohio, she discussed her background; praised John McCain's ability to lead and recognized Hilary Clinton's historical campaign. will that help the GOP win a lot of the Clinton Democrats?
Bob Schieffer talks with Senior Advisor for the McCain campaign Carly Fiorina on the GOP VP nomination of Sarah Palin and how Hillary Clinton's supporters might receive her.
Watch CBS Videos Online
I think McCain might just pull this off, there are already a lot of Clinton supporters who are happy with Palin's as McCain's running mate.
Bob Schieffer talks with Senior Advisor for the McCain campaign Carly Fiorina on the GOP VP nomination of Sarah Palin and how Hillary Clinton's supporters might receive her.
Watch CBS Videos Online
I think McCain might just pull this off, there are already a lot of Clinton supporters who are happy with Palin's as McCain's running mate.
Police raid RNC protesters home in St.Paul ahead of GOP convention.
Authorities have searched several homes in Minneapolis and one in St. Paul Saturday ahead of the opening of the Republican National Convention.
St. Paul, Minn. — Police said the raids were the result of a long-term investigation into a group of more than 30 anarchists that call themselves the RNC Welcoming Committee.
Police said some members of the group are interested in committing serious, criminal acts.
Authorities said the anarchists use weapons to try and hurt police. During raids this weekend they have confiscated makeshift maps and weapons, including machetes, hatchets, knives, metal pipes and homemade devices believed to be used to disable buses. They also found buckets of urine that police believe anarchists were going to throw at them.
St. Paul police, said city officers helped the county carry out a search warrant as part of an ongoing criminal investigation.
"We've known all along that there are people coming to our city who are not planning to conduct themselves in a lawful manner," Walsh said. "This is an affirmation of that."
St. Paul, Minn. — Police said the raids were the result of a long-term investigation into a group of more than 30 anarchists that call themselves the RNC Welcoming Committee.
Police said some members of the group are interested in committing serious, criminal acts.
Authorities said the anarchists use weapons to try and hurt police. During raids this weekend they have confiscated makeshift maps and weapons, including machetes, hatchets, knives, metal pipes and homemade devices believed to be used to disable buses. They also found buckets of urine that police believe anarchists were going to throw at them.
St. Paul police, said city officers helped the county carry out a search warrant as part of an ongoing criminal investigation.
"We've known all along that there are people coming to our city who are not planning to conduct themselves in a lawful manner," Walsh said. "This is an affirmation of that."
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Just for laughs.................
Ok so you thought news reporters were the most professional people out there right?? WRONG think again. Check out the reporters in these videos............
And this one has got to be my absolute favorite, check out the reporter getting a major contact buzz while covering the story of the feds burning a drug lord marijuana field.
Oh my God that is some funny shit lol...............
And this one has got to be my absolute favorite, check out the reporter getting a major contact buzz while covering the story of the feds burning a drug lord marijuana field.
Oh my God that is some funny shit lol...............
Friday, August 29, 2008
Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is McCain choice for VP.......
John McCain shook up the US presidential race on Friday with the surprising announcement that he had picked little-known Sarah Palin, the 44-year-old governor of Alaska, as his vice-presidential running mate.Palin, 44, a self-described "hockey mom," is a conservative first-term governor of Alaska with strong anti-abortion views, a record of reform and fiscal conservatism and an outsider's perspective on Washington.
Elected in 2006, she is Alaska's first woman governor. She is also an avid sportswoman who would bring youth and vitality to the ticket. McCain turns 72 on Friday and would be the oldest person to take office for a first term in the White House if elected.
Palin was chosen over more experienced and better known contenders as the Arizona senator grabbed the spotlight away from Democratic rival Barack Obama one day after Obama accepted his party's presidential nomination before 75,000 flag-waving supporters in Denver.
Elected in 2006, she is Alaska's first woman governor. She is also an avid sportswoman who would bring youth and vitality to the ticket. McCain turns 72 on Friday and would be the oldest person to take office for a first term in the White House if elected.
Palin was chosen over more experienced and better known contenders as the Arizona senator grabbed the spotlight away from Democratic rival Barack Obama one day after Obama accepted his party's presidential nomination before 75,000 flag-waving supporters in Denver.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Clinton did her part now its up to the Obamabots to win or lose.....
They call her the worst possible names, they lie and call her husband a racist, after all he did for African Americans and minorities in this country,and for me one of the Clintons biggest fan, that was the last straw that broke the camel's back, Obama and his supporters are just like every other politicians running for office, they will do and say anything to win political office.
But last night at the democratic convention no winner of a hard-fought, down-to-the-wire presidential nomination battle ever received a stronger boost from his vanquished foe than Senator Barack Obama picked up from Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton. Now its up to them to win or lose the election to the republicans.
Obama and his supporters have been so rude to Sen Clinton and the former president, i still cannot find it in my heart to forgive them, whatever happens in the next few months leading up to the elections is any ones guess, but if you ask me, i still say Sen. Clinton was the best qualify to be president in the democratic party, and Obama in his arrogance refused to make her his running mate because his ego was too big for him, now the elections is his to lose.
But last night at the democratic convention no winner of a hard-fought, down-to-the-wire presidential nomination battle ever received a stronger boost from his vanquished foe than Senator Barack Obama picked up from Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton. Now its up to them to win or lose the election to the republicans.
Obama and his supporters have been so rude to Sen Clinton and the former president, i still cannot find it in my heart to forgive them, whatever happens in the next few months leading up to the elections is any ones guess, but if you ask me, i still say Sen. Clinton was the best qualify to be president in the democratic party, and Obama in his arrogance refused to make her his running mate because his ego was too big for him, now the elections is his to lose.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
The amazing Reba McEntire......
The reigning queen of country music has pursued a musical career since the age of five, her rendition of the Star Spangled Banner" at the 1974 National Finals Rodeo in Oklahoma City caught the attention of songwriter, Red Steagall who suggested she consider a career in country music. She has since earned 7 gold and 5 platinum albums and 2 Grammy Awards.She was born on March 28, 1955, in McAlester, OK.
Here is one of my favorite songs from her....
500 miles away from
Here is one of my favorite songs from her....
500 miles away from
She is a great and talented singer, and entertainer, and i am sure there will be more great things to come from her.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
The Legendary Loretta Lynn.....
Country legend Loretta Lynn is One of the most successful singers in modern country music, she has a distinct voice and a style reminiscent of earlier traditional country singers, which by the way i think were really the golden years of country music.Born in a coal miner's shack, in 1935 Lynn married at age 13 and bore the first of six children the next year. some of my favorite songs from her were done in collaboration with another country music legend Conway Twitty.
here is a video of them performing their 1971 song call after the fire is gone...
here is a video of them performing their 1971 song call after the fire is gone...
Loretta has churned out an astonishing 38 studio records--from 1963 to 2004--and that doesn't include all those studio collaboration records she's done She was recently inducted into The Songwriters Hall of Fame.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Toby Keith the angry American......
I am not really a big Toby Keith fan, but i must say the guy sense of patriotism and songs are sometimes so inspiring, its makes you want to get up and do something to help the men and women of the U.S armed forces, over the past weeks i have even entertained the thought of joining the Minnesota national guards believe it or not.
here is one of my favorite Toby Keith's song courtesy of the red,white and blue...
here is one of my favorite Toby Keith's song courtesy of the red,white and blue...
Sometimes i am amaze at the level of hostility towards army recruiters who are just doing their job by some of these anti-war groups, i mean what are these people thinking?.....
The fact of the matter is the policy makers in Washington should have used better judgement before sending the troops to the middle east. but the men and women of the armed forces are there now, and the country have already sacrificed billions in material and human lives.
it is only fair then that we all support the troops and make them all come home thinking that at least their countrymen supports them and it was all worth the fight. The fact of the matter is the policy makers in Washington should have used better judgement before sending the troops to the middle east. but the men and women of the armed forces are there now, and the country have already sacrificed billions in material and human lives.
Bring the troops home, but bring them home victorious..............
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Those Good old days.......
I grew up in the 80s and back then everything was so simple, now every where you turn it just seem the whole world is going mad, if its not the talk of war somewhere in the world, there is flood,sickness or some other depressing thing.
today i found this video of country legend Charlie Pride and it reminded me so much of some of those good times. My Mom had an LP of this song called Kiss an Angel good morning, and it just brought back tons of memories from back when i was a kid growing up in Liberia, West Africa.
Here is the video of Mr Pride singing his hit song.
What ever happen to music like these that had so much meaning?
today i found this video of country legend Charlie Pride and it reminded me so much of some of those good times. My Mom had an LP of this song called Kiss an Angel good morning, and it just brought back tons of memories from back when i was a kid growing up in Liberia, West Africa.
Here is the video of Mr Pride singing his hit song.
What ever happen to music like these that had so much meaning?
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
U.S House of Representatives apologize for slavery......
The House on Tuesday issued an unprecedented apology to black Americans for the wrongs committed against them and their ancestors who suffered under slavery and Jim Crow segregation laws.
The resolution, passed by voice vote, was the work of Tennessee Democrat Steve Cohen, the only white lawmaker to represent a majority black district. Congress has issued apologies before — to Japanese-Americans for their internment during World War II and to native Hawaiians for the overthrow of the Hawaiian kingdom in 1893. In 2005, the Senate apologized for failing to pass anti-lynching laws.
Five states have issued apologies for slavery, but past proposals in Congress have stalled, partly over concerns that an apology would lead to demands for reparations.
The resolution marks the first time Congress has ever formally apologized for America's past history of enslaving and discriminating against blacks
Monday, July 14, 2008
Obama Campaign Blast New Yorker Magazine covers....
Barack Obama's campaign blasted Monday's satirical cartoon on the cover of The New Yorker magazine showing the Democratic presidential hopeful wearing Islamic dress while his wife holds a Kalashnikov. The cartoon drawn by Barry Blitt shows the couple standing in the White House's Oval Office with an American flag burning in the fireplace under a portrait of Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. While i am no big fan of the Senator, I just thought The new yorker was way over the line here, if it was meant to be funny, well it was not, maybe it was meant to scare Americans from voting for a Black person, The Senator lack of experience is enough to not get him elected, the New Yorker did not have to bring this garbage into the fray, the cartoon was frankly disgusting and tasteless, and should have no place what so ever in American politics.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Happy birthday America.................
Independence Day is more than a chance for family and friends throughout the country to gather for barbecues and fireworks displays, it is an annual celebration to commemorate the courage and faith of the founding fathers in their pursuit of liberty. So to the greatest and most generious country on the face of the Earth, i say happy birthday...... and happy 4th of july to all you good folks who take time to read my blog, may you and all your families be safe as we all celebrate the greatness of this country....
Here are some great patriotic quotes..
"If our country is worth dying for in time of war let us resolve that it is truly worth living for in time of peace." Hamilton Fish.
"I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." Nathan Hale.
"When I die, I desire no better winding sheet than the Stars and Stripes, and no softer pillow than the Constitution of my country." Andrew Johnson.
"There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured by what is right with America." Bill Clinton.
"Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and success of liberty." John F Kennedy.
"Intellectually I know that America is no better than any other country; emotionally I know she is better than every other country." Lewis, Sinclair.
"I shall know but one country. The ends I aim at shall be my country’s, my God’s and Truth’s. I was born an American; I live an American; I shall die an American." Daniel Webster.
"Sure I wave the American flag. Do you know a better flag to wave? Sure I love my country with all her faults. I'm not ashamed of that, never have been, never will be." John Wayne.
Happy 4th of july everyone.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Greatest Prank call ever.....
Friday, June 13, 2008
St Paul, Minnesota, Our State Capital.........................
Excel energy center, home of the Minnesota hockey.
St paul skyline.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
A Hawk among doves....................
She was the best qualify and best capable among the Democratic candidates running for President, she was also a tenacious fighter for the middle class, but these weak, back stabbing, far left retards were too blind to see it, they hated her because she was tough on national security, they hated her because she was a Clinton, so they and their friends in the Media insulted and call her the worst possible names. The nomination of Senator Obama yesterday only prove one thing to me, the far left have taken over the Democratic party. Even if Hillary decided to support Senator Obama my family and i cannot and will not support anybody who wants to lay in bed and be cozy with America's enemies, we are still democrats but we will support Senator McCain for president.
Senator Clinton it seems was just too much of a hawk in a party of doves, and God help us if these people win the White house in November.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Beautiful Minneapolis..........
Here are a couple of scanes from around my town, hands down Minneapolis is just one of the most beautiful cities in the midwest, and i am proud i call this place my home.
Downtown Minneapolis at night
Downtown Minneapolis at night
Loring Park with the Minneapolis skyline in the back.
Another view of Minneapolis at night.
Hennepin Avenue, downtown Minneapolis.
The Weisman art museum at the Minneapolis campus of the U of M.
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