She was the best qualify and best capable among the Democratic candidates running for President, she was also a tenacious fighter for the middle class, but these weak, back stabbing, far left retards were too blind to see it, they hated her because she was tough on national security, they hated her because she was a Clinton, so they and their friends in the Media insulted and call her the worst possible names. The nomination of Senator Obama yesterday only prove one thing to me, the far left have taken over the Democratic party. Even if Hillary decided to support Senator Obama my family and i cannot and will not support anybody who wants to lay in bed and be cozy with America's enemies, we are still democrats but we will support Senator McCain for president.
Senator Clinton it seems was just too much of a hawk in a party of doves, and God help us if these people win the White house in November.
1 comment:
thanks for your comment on my blog, Adored by Hordes.
Throughout history, particularly recent American history, foreign policy effectiveness has very little to do with left vs. right. Bullying and invasion, when ill-chosen, don't make for good foreign policy because they generally bear higher risks and costs. I think you can agree by looking at the track record of past American presidents:
Truman's hard power exercise in Korea failed, and Eisenhower compromised out of that conflict; Johnson's massive use of hard power failed in Vietnam, as did Nixon's; Carter and Reagan's soft power approach to the Soviets in Afghanistan worked; Reagan's occupation of Lebanon failed; Bush One triumphed in multi-lateral use of force against Iraq, but was humiliated in unilateral use of force against lowly Mogadishu. And Bush Two's over-the-top use of force in Iraq is bankrupting our country.
Nobody is suggesting "getting in bed with the enemy." Obama is simply returning to past policies which have worked well. I would urge you to study the policies which have worked, and why, before predicting doom based on no evidence.
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