Saturday, September 6, 2008

McCain, Palin draws huge crowds.........

With the polls showing the the race for President dead even, and Obama and the Democrats not getting any traction since their convention ended in Denver, and the Republicans growing ever confident in both their nominee for president and vice president, the Obama camp must surely be nervous by now. today it was learned that the Obama camp was sending out a team of women surrogate to blunt the impact of the Sarah Palin pick as John McCain's running mate.

Big crowds cheered the Arizona senator and Alaska governor as they made their post-convention debut in Democratic-leaning Wisconsin and Michigan, presenting themselves as a team of reformers eager to challenge Washington's political establishment.
"Change is coming, change is coming," McCain promised the audience, borrowing the same theme that Democrat Barack Obama has made the centerpiece of his run for the White House.
The Republican team plans to campaign together in hotly contested states — Wisconsin and Michigan on Friday, Colorado and New Mexico on Saturday — and then go their separate ways.

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