Friday, June 4, 2010

Where are all the wackos who wants to drill baby drill????

As Bp continues to struggle to stop the massive oil spill in the gulf, it is remarkable how the loonies and wackos in the republican party suddenly want the federal Government help.
All along the Gulf Coast, where the tea party thrives and "socialism" is a common description for any government program, conservatives who usually denounce federal activism suddenly are clamoring for it.

I hope the mess in the gulf will be a lesson for those who wants to drill baby drill.

These wackos like Sarah Palin who famously once proclaim drill baby drill and supports less government, and big oil companies in their resolve to drill any and every where in the United States, are suddenly recognizing the importance of the federal government.

These hypocrites and their pals in big business and big oil companies are to blame for the disaster in the gulf, they want to be taxed less, they want government to stop regulating big business, and when something happens they want government to step in and fix it. you can't have it both way you wackos.

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