Much outrage has been vented over President George W. Bush's May 15 address to the Knesset, where he likened negotiating with Iran or Hamas to appeasing Nazi Germany.Bush's comment in a speech to Israel's parliament was widely interpreted as a swipe at Democratic presidential front-runner Barack Obama, who has advocated talks without preconditions with leaders of such hostile nations as Iran and Cuba.
What really is the hoopla all about? is it not fair game to question the foreign policy credentials of Sen Obama? Why the hell should the United States negotiate with people who are only bent on killing innocent people?
Iran's President Ahmadinejad has come in for international criticism for saying that Israel should be "wiped off the map" and questioning whether the Nazi Holocaust that killed 6 million Jews actually took place. Iran also backs Hamas, whose charter calls for Israel's destruction. So my question to these weak on national security democrats is what is there to talk about? Bush was right when he made the comparison, about the Nazis and Iran, that is why these democrats did not want Sen Clinton as the nominee, they know she was strong on national security, they knew she would have taken the Iranians on anywhere, these far left democrats like move on dot com and the whole bunch of them in the sanate are all like a dog who barks but don't bite, and i swear if these people win the White house in november, then God help us all.
What really is the hoopla all about? is it not fair game to question the foreign policy credentials of Sen Obama? Why the hell should the United States negotiate with people who are only bent on killing innocent people?
Iran's President Ahmadinejad has come in for international criticism for saying that Israel should be "wiped off the map" and questioning whether the Nazi Holocaust that killed 6 million Jews actually took place. Iran also backs Hamas, whose charter calls for Israel's destruction. So my question to these weak on national security democrats is what is there to talk about? Bush was right when he made the comparison, about the Nazis and Iran, that is why these democrats did not want Sen Clinton as the nominee, they know she was strong on national security, they knew she would have taken the Iranians on anywhere, these far left democrats like move on dot com and the whole bunch of them in the sanate are all like a dog who barks but don't bite, and i swear if these people win the White house in november, then God help us all.
The terrorist monkey can not be negotiated with. The only reason to maybe talk to Ahmadamadmonkey in say maybe Switzerland is to provoke him by debating his ideology and criticizing the hatred. Force him to say lots of stupid and insane things which would be widely publicized thus educating more people to his ideology's insanity. This, I am quite sure, Obama would never do.
Ouch, Obama and the poor little Dems were hit a little too close to home by what GW said. It's one of the best things Bush has ever said. Bravo! And he didn't even have to mention the Dhimmicrats or any body's name.
So sure, then he folded in Saudi Arabia, but what he said in Israel almost makes that OK.
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
appease the appeasers
don't embarrass them
by calling them appeasers
absurd thought -
God of the Universe said
have a sit down with Hitler
he should have been sweet-talked
he had goodness within
Appeasement Talk Bothers Appeasers
Help Halt Terrorism Now!
I think George Bush is a nut case, probably on drugs, certainly has those neo con writers propping up his failed Presidency. As for O man, not sure he will be the nominee. The dumbocrats have too much to lose and will probably draft Gore to beat McSame in November.
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