After a disappointing finish in last night democratic primaries in North Carolina and Indiana, and with Her money drained and her options dwindling, a resolute Hillary Rodham Clinton like the fighter she always is vowed Wednesday to press on with her presidential bid even as she and top advisers were hard-pressed to describe a realistic path for her to wrest the nomination from Barack Obama.
When all is said and done, we who admire the former first lady, know that she defy all odds fighting for the nomination of the democratic party, but in the end it was just not to be.

with the media against her, and with these weak far left wing liberal democrat blaming her for every thing including her vote on the Iraq war, to even being call a racist, she was bound to fail.
Hillary has noting to prove, however you put it she was and is still the best and the most experience candidate who would have made a great president, but because these weak far left democrats are all backstabbers and would rather put an inexperience senator from Illinois who has no idea how to handle U.S foreign policy in a trouble world, instead of her. i hope they get what they deserve. i hope they lose to John McCain and the Republicans in November.
And i thought i would never say this, of all the news media network only the fox network was fair to Senator Clinton, and i have vow never to ever watch the Chris Matthew show on MSNBC they are not journalist but bunch of loud mouth passing as journalist, no wonder they are losing the ratings war.
I finally now see why senator Joe Lieberman is backing McCain, and i hope with all my heart that he be the next president of the United States.