Russian president Vladimir Putin was named Time magazine's Person of the Year on Wednesday,
The magazine recognized Putin's "extraordinary feat of leadership in taking a country that was in chaos and bringing it stability," ,In prizing stability over freedom, he has made Russia powerful again and beholden to no nation Time's managing editor Richard Stengel said.
While the Kremlin celebrated Time's selection, US officials declined to comment. White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said only that Putin was "a very intriguing figure in modern history" while the State Department sidestepped the question.
I for my part question seriously this year pick by Time magazine for person of the year, President Putin is a thug, a bully and a tyrant, he will in a heartbeat get rid of anyone who dare criticize him, as was the case last year in London when Russian agents killed a former kGB agent who was a staunch critic of the president.
and to prove my point check out this video of how his state police treats their citizens. the video clearly shows police beating up an old lady. what could she have done so much to warrant such an attack? one can only speculate.
Time magazine could have easily pick someone like former U.S. Vice President Al Gore who actually have done something to help bring awareness to countless other important issues like global warming . one would only hope that next year they will come to senses and do the right thing instead of opting to sell their magazine.
GW Bush said that he looked into Putin's eyes, saw his soul, and liked what he saw. Putin and Bush are a lot alike.
PS... Merry Christmas.
The right thing is not what sells for these people. They are about money and those that have it and the power.
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