As we prepare to spend time with family and friends this thanks giving, let us not forget the millions of people in Darfur who do not have the opportunity to do the same. The killings of thousands of people as well as the raping of women and children, are still going on, the world continues to turn a blind eye as if nothing is happening, what else must these people do before we can help them.The Darfur region of western Sudan has been the focus of international attention since 2004, when government troops and militia groups known as janjaweed moved to crush rebels who complained that the black residents of the region had been neglected by the Muslim central government. Many people speak of government aircraft bombing villages, after which the Arab Janjaweed militia would ride in on camels and horses to slaughter, rape and steal.The refugees and some western observers said there was a deliberate attempt to drive black Africans out of Darfur.The government admits mobilising "self-defence militias", but denies links to the Janjaweed and says the problems have been exaggerated. Those who fled the violence are now living in camps across Darfur. About 200,000 refugees have crossed the border into Chad. it is estimated that about 400,000 people have lost their lives in Darfur.

After the Rwanda genocide of the 90s the whole world promise never again to let such atrocities to ever happen again, but right before our own eyes, it is happening, the fact that children as little as my own daughter, die everyday from starvation, is very painful and wrong, i would not want my kid or anybody's kid for that matter to experience such hell, let us all do what ever we can to help these poor people, let us be the voice for the voiceless, let us demand that the the Sudanese president Omar Hassan Al-Bashir and all those responsible for the darfur genocide be tried for crimes against humanity, these bastard should all pay for their actions, and they should all pay dearly for it.
Here are some videos about the crisis in darfur.
I posted this video before, and i am posting it again, this video really bring to life what is happening to these people.
I hope we all can do our part, and fight for justice for these poor people.
I am confused and shamefully hurt that we can allow this to happen to any people. I cannot understand how anyone can do this to their people as well.
Emmanuel- Thank you for this wonderful post. Yes, while all of us are thinking of our own troubles, we may forget about what is happening in Darfur.
You are so kind to point that out to us.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family and be safe!
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