Have you ever wonder if the world has gone mad?i saw the president of Iran addressed the students of Columbia university and the united nation general assembly, and i swear i could not believe what i was hearing,that mad man was denying the fact that the massacre of six million Jews ever happen during the second world war, he casually dismissed it as a myth, and i said to myself, how could a nation ever elect someone like this for president? i have always been a left leaning person when it comes to my political views, i have always advocated peace instead of war, but lately with everything that is happening in the middle east, i am beginning to question my stance, how so? you may ask, well when you have a mad man like the president of Iran calling for the nation of Israel to be wipe out from the face of the earth, in the 21st century it makes your blood boil, Israel and her people have a right to live in peace like the rest of the world, if Islam is indeed a religion of peace let it refused to accept men like the president of Iran and Syria who by the way profess to be true Muslim on the one hand and advocate the genocide of an entire nation on the other hand. until than i am of the opinion that these mad men, these Hitler wanna be must be stop, and they must be stop at all cost, no matter what the price.The United state made a huge mistake by invading Iraq and removing Saddam from power,Saddam was the only person Iran feared,it takes a mad man to stop another mad man, when Saddam was in power he was the check and balance in that region,now that he is gone and the united states stretch thin on two fronts, fighting two wars,Iran is doing all it can to create chaos,and bring the west to its knees. if we are to secure a future in which our children will play and not worry about terror, we must act now, stand up for what you know is right, i have live in and seen war up close and personal, in my native Liberia, i do not wish it upon anybody, but what else can the sane world do? stand by and watch those genocide advocating, Hitlers wanna be develop and have weapons of mass destruction? than God help us all. i say no for our children sick, to evil men like those two, and yes to a peaceful and more just world were we can all work together for the good of mankind.
Here is a video of the Iranian President talking about the Holocaust.
here are some political cartoons i found interesting online.

When Isreal built a fence to stop suicide bombers from entering Isreal, many people said Isreal should take the fence down, how else could they have protected their people from constant attacks.

this cartoon by some right wing nuts pokes fun at the aclu and Liberals.