House Republicans have blocked legislation to feed school meals to thousands of hungry children. Republicans used a procedural maneuver Wednesday to try to amend the $4.5 billion bill, which would give more needy children the opportunity to eat free lunches at school and make those lunches healthier. First lady Michelle Obama has lobbied for the bill as part of her "Let's Move" campaign to combat childhood obesity.
Trillions for the military industrial complex good, but Millions to feed hungry American school children bad. Tax cuts for the mega rich who line our politicians pockets good. Tax cuts for those who lost their jobs and can't care for their children bad. Money for fake wars good. Money to help our veterans bad. Congressmen and senators giving themselves nice pay raises good. Having a minimum wage which someone could live off of bad. Platinum socialized medical plan for Congressmen and Senators good. Medical plan for the average joe bad. Money to train people to kill others good. Money to train people to help others bad.Is this what Good christian conservative values means???? I have a better chance of getting to heaven then these hateful, greedy. warmongering fools.