Sunday, October 24, 2010

Stupid Tea Beggers needs to shut the hell up........

AS an American, i almost crinch literally every time Tea party folks open their big mouths to speak, Their Ignorance and stupidity is really mind boggling. These are the folks the rest of the civilize world will see and measure us to.
Canada should build a huge fence to keep these Ignorant, hateful Bat-shit on our side of the border.

Here is Bill Maher setting the record straight for Tea Beggers.....

If America thinks the crazies and the loonies in the tea party will do better, then by all means vote for them on November second,we will soon know their true agenda, these people are hateful people, and there is nothing good that can ever come from them.

It amazes me how Americans have the attention span of a fruit fly, They seem to think the problems it took eight years to create can be fixed in two, What really have the President and Democrats done so wrong? fighting for universal health care for all, is that so Bad? Conservatism and the GOP/Tea party agenda has failed and we don't have to look back that far to see it fail.

There is already talk of impeaching President Obama If the GOP takes congress in November, the Klan cannot wait to destroy the first Black President. we have to stop these people from going anywhere near Government.

I am amaze that some Americans actually take these people serious. But then again some really do think that Peter Griffin & Homer Simpson are real.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Communist East Germany a Model for securing our Border says Crazy Joe Miller.......

Joe crazy Miller the Lunatic from Alaska

The United States could learn some great ideas from Communist East Germany about how to keep our borders secure, Alaska's Republican Senate candidate Joe Miller suggested at a town hall Sunday night. "The first thing that has to be done is secure the border," Miller said when asked about illegal immigration into the United States, Miller continued, "East Germany was very, very able to reduce the flow. Now, obviously, other things were involved. We have the capacity to, as a great nation, secure the border. If East Germany could, we could.

Between this idiocy from Miller and the news that O'Donnell the other crazy lady running for the Senate seat in Delaware who had no idea the 1st Amendment to the Constitution prohibits the Government from establishing a national religion...well, what can you say? The Republican party must have really outdone themselves this time, To imply that the Berlin Wall is a positive example of immigration control is beyond insane and once again proves the Tea Party and the GOP is full of hateful, Ignorant, stupid and really crazy people. Besides The East German wall was built to keep it citizens from leaving, not the other way around.

We have a Tea party backed candidate in Ohio dressing up and playing Nazis, Joe Crazy Miller up in Alaska who thinks East Germany was a model Country, and wants to build a Berlin Style wall along our southern Border to shoot illegal immigrants, and off course the other crazy lady from Nevada, Sharron Angle who wants to abolished social security, i mean how low can these Crazies go? We have to do everything to stop these lunatics from going anywhere near Government.