Democrats and Liberals have to now make the choice of whether they want to remain the majority in congress or have the Tea party and the racist radical right wingers take control of congress.
All over the media we are hearing Democrats are afraid, they might lose the majority because they supported issues such as Universal Health care and stimulus spending.
Democrats have nothing to be ashamed of, How is fighting for the poor a bad thing? stop acting like pussies and start fighting back harder against those racist, hateful and ignorant fools in the tea party.
The Democratic party is the party of the poor and the working class, grow some balls and continue fighting, you have nothing whatsoever to be afraid or ashamed about.
Here is a video of the new darling of the Tea Party.......
These are the people who want to get into the business of running MY country? God help us if these whackjobs, and their pal in the Klan and the Tea party gets control of Congress in November.