Today we are learning form CNN and other news outlet that the Obama administration is weary about sending more troops to Afghanistan to help defeat the Taliban. There are even talk that vice president Joe Biden is advising President Obama to withdraw U.S forces from the Taliban infested country.
If this is true, it will be a huge mistake that i believe this country will pay for for generations to come.
Whatever the cost, we must prevail in Afghanistan, These Islamic lunatics were the ones who Killed our people and Bombed our cities on 9/11, if we withdraw from Afghanistan, without bringing Osama bin Laden and his Taliban friends to justice, what kind of message will we be sending to our enemies and other people who are planning to do us harm. Are we a bunch of cowards who will cut and run anytime we face a little obstacles in our wars oversea?
In his assessment of the situation in Afghanistan, U.S General McChrystal warned that more troops would be needed within the next year or the war "will likely result in failure,"
"Failure to gain the initiative and reverse insurgent momentum in the near term (next 12 months) -- while Afghan security capacity matures -- risks an outcome where defeating the insurgency is no longer possible," McChrystal is expected to tell the president.
And check out the president here, from his answers it seems he doesn't have a clue or what to do with Afghanistan.........
Can you imagine what will happen if the Taliban wins, not only will they have bragging rights that they defeated a super power, but as can be expected more terrorist training camps will be build there, and from their bases, these loonies will terrorize the entire western world.
We can't and must never lose Afghanistan................