Barack Obama angrily denounced his former pastor for "divisive and destructive" remarks on race, seeking to divorce himself from the incendiary speaker and a fury that threatens to engulf his front-running Democratic presidential campaign.and today for the first time i could not have been more proud of him. I am outraged by the comments that were made and saddened over the spectacle that we saw yesterday," Obama told reporters at a news conference Tuesday. On Monday, Wright criticized the U.S. government as imperialist and stood by his suggestion that the United States invented the HIV virus as a means of genocide against minorities. "Based on this Tuskegee experiment and based on what has happened to Africans in this country, I believe our government is capable of doing anything," he said.
Today was th first time i statred to look at Senator Obama in a new light, and for the first time i want more then ever that Democratic leaders work something out so that both Senator Clinton and Obama form that Dream Team, i am sick of all the beckering and in fighting that is going on within the democratic party, its obvious democrats love these two canadates, so why can't they have it all?
I first saw my first bollywood movie when i was 10 years old at the Indian Revoli Cenema in Liberia, and since then i have always been a fan of Hindi movies, but over the weekend i had the pleasure of watching one of the best indian movies of all time, the movie is call Kabhi Kushi Kabhi Gham, and after 3 hours sitting glue to the screen, all i could say was wow, this is going to be my first movie review. The movie main characters are some of the best known actors in India, stars like Amitabh Bachchan, Shah Rukh Khan, Hrithik Roshan, and Kareena Kapoor have made this movie a classic. The movie is charming and heart-warming and above all very family friendly, and was an immense success both in India and Europe.
Here are some of the songs in the movie.
And this song with Hrithik Roshan and Kareena Kapoor was one of my favorite.
Rahul is the most adored adopted son of one of the wealthiest families in India. He is doted upon like a biological son would be, the father is extremely proud of him but it is the mother that he has a special connection with. She can feel whenever he arrives at the family grounds, she loves him beyond anything. Rahul is expected to do great things, to follow all the family traditions, to carry on with the family name in business and life and to marry his childhood friend, a woman that his family has chosen to be his wife. He is very happy to do all of this, in part in gratitude for everything that they have done for him but also because he respects and loves his family above all things. All is well until Rahul meets Anjali. Sweet, a sweetshop owner's daughter who is from the wrong side of the tracks, a very happy yet very poor girl who lives with her father and her younger sister. Anjali is great, with a wonderful sense of humor and who loves her family above all things as well. They fall in love and Rahul wants to marry her. But the father tells him he cannot possibly marry a woman who knows nothing of their traditions, and of their power and above all how can he ever think about marrying a girl that was beneath them, - she is just not suitable. and that is when the the real story starts..... If you have to watch but one Bollywood movie it should be this one. it is about 3 hours long, with lot of dancing and singing, but if you are up to the challenge and can get pass this, i swear you will have the time of your life. you will love it as much as I did.
"Some counted me out and said to drop out," former first lady Hillary Clinton told supporters cheering her triumph in a state where she was outspent by more than two-to-one. "But the American people don't quit. And they deserve a president who doesn't quit, either." "Because of you, the tide is turning."
Clinton scored her victory by winning the votes of blue-collar workers, women and white men in an election where the economy was the dominant concern. Obama was favored by blacks, the affluent and voters who recently switched to the Democratic Party, a group that comprised about one in ten Pennsylvania voters, according to the surveys conducted by The Associated Press and the TV networks.
Clinton won Pennsylvania by about 10 points, close enough to the blowout win which could change the landscape of this epic struggle, and certainly enough to take the campaign to North Carolina and Indiana amid fears within the party that an often nasty battle is exacting a deep toll on its electoral prospects in the fall.
Today was truly a beautiful day in the Twin cities, as most of you know our State Minnesota is notorious when it comes to winter, and you could feel the whole city breath a sign of relief today when we hit 60 degrees, some people were out on the many lakes around the city, others just simply took their pets for strolls, but i decided to do something much better, i decide i wanted to be among the first people to grill on the first really nice day all year, and that is what i did.
Hopefully this is the beginning of a great summer.
An undated photo of the vice president on the White House Web site has caused a stir on the Internet, causing some people to wonder if he's looking at a naked woman.
The vice-president's press secretary said of the photos "Clearly the picture shows a hand casting a rod," although 60% of those polled on AOL's Political Machine blog opted for the option “hot babe sunbathing” to explain the mysterious figure . Photography experts have backed Mr Cheney’s press secretary’s conclusion as to the source of the refection although they do admit that the image “could be misconstrued."
"Some people dream of great accomplishments while others stays awake and achieve them".
"Freedom is never more than one generation from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same."
God, Country, Family......... Service before self.
America the beautiful.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
Please feel free to leave a note, or comment.
Ask not what your country can do for you,ask what can i do for my country." John F Kennedy.
10 year blogging anniversary
Hello! I just realized that I missed my 10 year blogging anniversary. Of
course, I've barely blogged for the past few years, so I'm not sure it
*Rilke: Fall Day*
Summer in Seattle has grown lackadaisical this past half decade, arriving
late after a listless don't-plant-tomatoes Spring, then coming ...
coming from a Mixed Taiwanese(dad is from Taipei, Taiwan) and African heritage(mom is African from Liberia)i was born and raise in Liberia,a small country on the west coast of africa, but i now live in Minneapolis, Minnesota,the United states. i have had some of the best years of my life here in my adopted state, and country. i have come to love everything about Minnesota, the wonderful and friendly people,and the many great and caring friends i have made over the years,i am proud of both my Chinese and African heritage,But above anything i am proud to be a citizen of these great United States. i am a big fan of African music, and classic Chinese music.
truly my experience in my adopted country have been everything i expected and more.