In a blatent display of childishness at the state of the union speech, Senator Barack Obama refused to make himself available to greet Sen. Clinton. here is how the sequence of event unfolded, When members of the Senate entered the chamber, Obama came in before Clinton. He went out of his way to greet as many House members as possible and walked halfway across the chamber to greet members of the Supreme Court, the president's cabinet, the military joint chiefs.
That made what happened next even more striking. Obama returned to stand by his seat next to Sen. Edward Kennedy who endorsed Obama today in a widely watched event that reverberated across the political world.
As Clinton approached, Kennedy made sure to make eye contact and indicated he wanted to shake her hand. Clinton leaned towards Kennedy over a row of seats and Kennedy leaned in towards her. They shook hands.
Obama stood icily staring at Clinton during this, then turned his back and stepped a few feet away. Kennedy may've wanted to make peace with Clinton but Obama clearly wanted no part of that.
That made what happened next even more striking. Obama returned to stand by his seat next to Sen. Edward Kennedy who endorsed Obama today in a widely watched event that reverberated across the political world.
As Clinton approached, Kennedy made sure to make eye contact and indicated he wanted to shake her hand. Clinton leaned towards Kennedy over a row of seats and Kennedy leaned in towards her. They shook hands.
Obama stood icily staring at Clinton during this, then turned his back and stepped a few feet away. Kennedy may've wanted to make peace with Clinton but Obama clearly wanted no part of that.
As president, Obama has said he would meet with the U.S.'s enemies without precondition. But making nice with Clinton apparently is another mattter after the increasingly angry fight the two have waged, with charges and countercharges, for the Democratic presidential nomination.
This again just show how petty senator Obama can be,He exhibited the same petulant behavior after the Nevada caucus when he lit out without congratulating Hillary and without even thanking his workers there.And, honestly, even if it wasn't a deliberate snub, I find it hard to believe a politician as talented as Obama didn't know that everyone would be watching him when Hillary approached to see his reaction. even if you don't like your oponent you don't turn your back on your rival when everyone is watching, it makes you look small and petty Not attractive and not the characteristic of a leader or a "uniter.he is the one always claiming to be to be the great uniter, the one who is supposed to be able to get everybody to play nice together, he is showing his true colors,It is petty, childish and frankly immature and it shows Obama's lack of diplomacy to put it delicately.