Yesterday i watched with utter disgust people booing President Bush as he was leaving Washington for Texas during Obama's Inauguration. I mean really even if you did not like the man or his policies, we should respect the fact that he was one of our Presidents and we should send him home with all the respect a President deserves.
Now that George W. Bush has left the White House, and his administration has officially ended, What his legacy will be in the United States and the world at large as he leaves office, is still been debated by so called political pundits .
It is true, he made some colossal mistakes at home and abroad on the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq . It is also true his relations with America's allies, especially in Europe, have been abysmal. But outside of the Middle East and Europe, Bush has been successful, especially in Asia and Africa.
For years, America has given lip service to African disease and poverty. But Bush reversed course, and today millions of Africans receive free medicine for AIDs, TB and Malaria. Half of all African food aid comes from the US. The Millenium Challenge, a very effective program in which rich countries ban together to foster economic development in poor countries, was created by Bush.
When President Clinton had a chance to save thousands of people in Rwanda civil crisis during the 90s, he refused to get involve, calling it an African Problem, and because of America and the world's inaction almost a million people die in the Rwanda Genocide.
Bush on the other hand got involved in Africa like no other president before him, he demanded that Liberian Tyrant Charles Taylor leaves office and send U.S soldiers to help stabilized the country, in the process ending almost 2 decades of civil war that left the country in a state of total ruin.
He called Sudan's military actions in Darfur, Genocide when most African and European countries refused to call it so.
Most Americans especially on the far left have been hard in my opinion of the President, some insulting and calling him the worst president ever, but they fail to understand that the President was commander in chief in extraordinary times and he made decisions under extraordinary circumstances, to keep the homeland safe. for that alone i am thankful for his presidency.
being a Stanch Democrat as i am,i really hated the policies of his administration, but as time went by, i started to understand that in order to fight terrorism and keep the Homeland safe, we had to fight those wars, i started to look at and admire the President in a whole new light.
Whatever his critics in the Liberal media say, President Bush, unlike any other U.S. Presidents, change dramatically the way the United States dealt with radicals who were bent on killing Americans, and the way the U.S did business in poor countries around the world.
The media might be hard on his legacy now, but in time history will be more gentle on his presidency, and we as Americans will look back and see how we not only disrespected a good and caring man who loves his country, but also how unfairly we treated him to the end.
Farewell Mr President not only were a great friend of Africa, but you did all you could to keep America safe.
may God bless you and your family as you end this chapter of your life and begin a new one.
1 comment:
I glad you were able to see the broader picture...people tend to see only those things they want to see...and in the case of G-Dub they only see the supposed failures...we'll see....
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