Being an American citizen carries with it a number of duties and responsibilities, chief of which is active participation in the democratic process. Yet many Americans take these duties for granted and some will take steps to avoid them altogether. I came to this Country from war torn Liberia, as a refugee,bruise and traumatize, but i would embraced my new home forever grateful for the opportunity given me to live the American Dream........ I would eventually become an American Citizen vowing to do everything in my power to protect and serve my New Country.
Accepting My certificate of naturalization
Generations of Americans before me all came from other countries, some were poor and some very well off, but all found hopes and dreams in America the land of the free, all dare to dream and found that their dreams could come true, so it is with this sense of hope and pride that i humbly declare too that i am indeed proud to be an American.
Frankly the media obsession with the Tiger woods infidelity scandal is becoming really annoying. since thanksgiving the good folks at CNN,MSNBC,CBS,Fox news, all the way down to the local media it seems all want a piece of Tiger. I bet you half the media that is over dramatizing this are hypocrites by having done similar or worse things. It is been reported today that he is taking an indefinite break” to repair his marriage and focus on his family, good for him, he is doing the right thing by trying to repair his marriage. We're all human. We make mistakes. The last thing he needs to do is go on Oprah or any other show to explained himself . Why the media feels like people need to confess their "sins" on television is beyond me, you have politicians having affairs, and priest molesting little boys, so don't make it look like hes the only only one with problems. This is a private matter between Tiger and his wife, if he wants to deal with his demons in private, let the man do as he wish, Hopefully he learn from his mistakes and become an even stronger person.
It never ceases to amaze me how Republicans will make a mountain out of a mole hill, When President Obama on a state visit to japan last week politely bowed to the Emperor of Japan, conservatives went nuts accusing the president of grovelling to a foreign leader, and making the country look weak. The LA times' blog asked "How low will he go" in their complaint of the President's actions. ABC News' Jack Tapper ask if Obama's bow was correct. The conservative blog Hotair said the President looked like "an idiot". And Michelle Malkin simply insulted Obama , calling the President a "waterboy." Bill Bennett, on CNN commented "It is ugly. I do not wish to see it". and finally former vice-president Dick Cheney told the Politico.comwebsite, "There is no reason for an American president to bow to anyone. Our friends and allies don't expect it, and our enemies see it as a sign of weakness." It is precisely because of crazy views like these that got us in all the trouble in the world today. The way i see it, its these right wing hypocrites who are the fools, Bowing to the head of a country in which bowing is a respectful greeting when meeting any new person is a sign of respect. To most reasonable people, it was a well-intentioned show of respect to a head of state who greeted his guest on the steps of his home before ushering him inside for lunch.
And let me remind these right wingers who will not hesitate to show how christian they are, that even in the the Bible Jesus washed his disciples feet, not as a sign of weakness, but as a sign of humility and respect for them.
if we want other country to respect us, we must also respect them, it has nothing to do with weakness, rather its about showing that despite the fact we are a super power, we still have a deep mutual respect for other countries and their customs.
Today we are learning form CNN and other news outlet that the Obama administration is weary about sending more troops to Afghanistan to help defeat the Taliban. There are even talk that vice president Joe Biden is advising President Obama to withdraw U.S forces from the Taliban infested country. If this is true, it will be a huge mistake that i believe this country will pay for for generations to come.
Whatever the cost, we must prevail in Afghanistan, These Islamic lunatics were the ones who Killed our people and Bombed our cities on 9/11, if we withdraw from Afghanistan, without bringing Osama bin Laden and his Taliban friends to justice, what kind of message will we be sending to our enemies and other people who are planning to do us harm. Are we a bunch of cowards who will cut and run anytime we face a little obstacles in our wars oversea?
In his assessment of the situation in Afghanistan, U.S General McChrystal warned that more troops would be needed within the next year or the war "will likely result in failure," "Failure to gain the initiative and reverse insurgent momentum in the near term (next 12 months) -- while Afghan security capacity matures -- risks an outcome where defeating the insurgency is no longer possible," McChrystal is expected to tell the president.
And check out the president here, from his answers it seems he doesn't have a clue or what to do with Afghanistan.........
Can you imagine what will happen if the Taliban wins, not only will they have bragging rights that they defeated a super power, but as can be expected more terrorist training camps will be build there, and from their bases, these loonies will terrorize the entire western world. We can't and must never lose Afghanistan................
Today we learned with shock and sadness the passing away of Senator Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts a true champion of the poor and working class. many of us knew that this was coming but we did not want to believe it, we wanted to believe that the liberal Lion of the United States Senate would once again come out victorious just as he did with all the other battles he fought through out his remarkable life. Teddy death at the age of 77 ends the remarkable story of three brothers, each of whom made an indelible contribution to American politics. It marks the end of an era, many pundits agree.
Ted Kennedy was the second-longest-serving member of the Senate, after Robert Byrd, of West Virginia, and the third-longest-serving member, ever.
Today is not only a sad day for the people of the great State of Massachusetts, but for the whole country, because today we lost a hero, a friend, and a champion for the people, today was the day the Lion died.
I am frankly really starting to get pissed off by these dumb headed right wing self proclaim christian racist nuts, who have nothing better to do but organize rallies and disrupt town halls meetings that members of Congress are holding to address the President health care plan. AS Americans we have every right to question each and every bill that our elected representative are proposing we make into law, but when racist loonies and crazy right wingers stoop to the levels that they have, bringing fully loaded guns to the president's rallies and calling the president Hitler, then enough is enough........
Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., was the latest political punching bag to face the wrath of the health care overhauls angry dissenters last night in Dartmouth. Unlike many other spineless lawmakers who have bent over backward and retreated at similar events with their tails between their legs in recent days, an unapologetic Frank went toe to toe with some of the crazies, and it was truly fun to watch. Frank was holding a town hall meeting last night on the proposed health care reforms. As usual the Republican lunatics started doing their Obama-Is-Hitler-and-Health-Care-Reform-is-Nazism bullshit routine..... and boy they did not know what they had coming.
Here is the video the event.....
Its about time that the Dems stand up and started fighting back, because if it was left with these self righteous fools and their 1860s mentalities, there will never be any health care reform in this country. are these idiots blind or just plain stupid that they cannot see that health care badly needs overhaul in this country. Every other developed country on the planet have some sort of affordable health care for their citizens, and its a damn shame that we, the most powerful county in the world cannot do the same for our peoples. Frankly in my opinion these loonies can't stomach the fact that a black man is now President, I am ashamed that i wasted my vote on the republican party last November, these fools have absolutely nothing to offer the country but their hate and fear mongering, and when other people roll up their sleeves to do the heavy lifting, they have the audacity to criticize them. Get used to it folks today its a black man, the next time it will probably be a Latino man as president, that's when you guys will truly go nuts.......
For the past couple of months i have absolutely become fascinated by a form of Japanese poetry called Haiku........ i love the fact haiku writers are able to paint a picture with just seventeen syllables..... so i have decided to try my hands at it...........
Here is one i wrote for my daughter.
Soft little fingers reaching out for daddy's hand My little princess
I love the great State of Minnesota.... winter here can be very beautiful if you are up to it.
The Trees are naked Winter in Minnesota Cold and brutal can be.
Snow falling slowly Blanketing Minnesota What a sight to see
After a long hard battle, that lasted almost eight months, Democrat Al Franken defeated Republican Norm Coleman in Minnesota’s U.S. Senate race. The Supreme Court of Minnesota has spoken, and I respect its decision and will abide by the result,” Coleman said. “It’s time for Minnesota to come together under the leaders it has chosen and move forward. I join all Minnesotans in congratulating our newest United States senator: Al Franken.”
Franken, in remarks outside his Minneapolis home about an hour after Coleman’s concession, said he expected to be seated early next week. Franken has already been told that he’s been named to two key committees — Health, Education and Labor and Pensions and Judiciary.
“It is time to bring the whole state together,” Franken said. “Over the past eight months, … Minnesotans have earned the right to take pride in the transparency and thoroughness of our election process.”
So all things said an done, we welcome the newest senator from our Great state.
It was with total shock on Thursday when i learned of Michael Jackson death. all of a sudden all the major TV network broke from their regular programs to break the news. I was and still is a huge Jackson fan, i remember those days back in the late 80s when my brother and i would fight over Jackson stickers, we both adore the man, we wanted to be like him, and now he is gone forever.
The King of Pop lives on in our hearts
yesterday when i heard the news the first thing i did was rushed to Wal mart to buy some of his music, there was already a long line of people there for the same reason. Just a couple of months ago he announced to the delight of his many fans, his come back tour in London, we were excited, we wanted to see the King rise again, and now its a shame he die without giving us one last performance.
Here is one of my favorite song ever from the legendary singer..
What a total loss, rest in peace Michael, i hope you find the peace that you did not have in your life.
There will never be another entertainer like Michael ever.......he was truly the greatest, i am really thankful that i got to live in his time and be a part of the phenomenon. He will be miss dearly.
Hundreds of thousands of protesters dressed in black and green flooded the streets of Tehran on Thursday in a somber, candlelit show of defiance and mourning for those killed in clashes after Iran's disputed presidential election. Ayatollah Khamene and Ahmadinejad the Iranian bigot president apparently took for granted the strong will of the people to be free.......
Hundreds of thousands, including middle-class families and religious men and women, have flocked to Tehran's streets in recent days to declare their support for Mousavi. Similar, smaller protests have popped up in other cities in Iran.
The crowds in Tehran and elsewhere have been able to organize despite a government clampdown on the Internet and cell phones. The government has blocked certain Web sites, such as BBC Farsi, Facebook, Twitter and several pro-Mousavi sites that are vital conduits for Iranians to tell the world about protests and violence.
As we honor the men and women of the United States Armed forces,and pay tribute to the ones who paid the ultimate sacrifice, giving everything for their country, this memorial day, we a grateful nation say thank you. We are grateful for your service, we honor you and we thank you for all that you have done.
When i was young and small, many times i became sick i recalled. but deep into the night you were by my side trying the tears to hide.
sometimes i was rude and bad, and other times i made you hurt and sad but silently i knew you always pray, that your little boy became somebody someday.
many times you told me about Jesus the son of God, other times you told me about satan the demon's lord. and that if i in the presence of God enjoyed, i would be a happy little boy. no one can ever take your place, no one can your soft and gentle love replace, its been hard, but you have won and i am glad i am your son.
Critics of President Barack Obama marked national tax day Wednesday with "tea party" protests that Republicans called the birth of a grassroots opposition. What the hell is wrong with these so called conservatives who have nothing better to do but to protest everything the President do.
First after running and fucking up the country for eight years, and i mean no disrespect to President Bush whom i admire, these right wing nuts are coming out with one fail strategy after another to show their true colors. they want the easy life, they want health care for their families, they want better schools, and housing for their families, they want the government to fixed the economy, how the hell is that suppose to happen when you don't pay taxes? I did not support President Obama in the last election, but i am damm well glad he won. If they don't want to pay their taxes, its fine by us, but we want our government to succeed, and we will gladly pay our taxes.
Here is to people who look down on other people because they look a certain way or talk differently, this story just warm your heart. During auditions for Britain's Got Talent" this week Susan Boyle of the village of west Lothian walked on to the stage to snickers from the audience and an eye-roll from Cowell. After she unleashed a perfect rendition of "I Dreamed a Dream" from the musical "Les Miserables," she left with the crowd on its feet. you have got to see this woman perform to believe it....
here is Susan Boyle singing a perfect rendition of I Dream a Dream...
It was a heartfelt performance from an unlikely star - and one which won her millions of fans. Boyle received three perfect scores and is the early favorite to win on the hit reality TV series.
It would seem that the Republican party strategy of returning to power is to be the just say no party. I voted republican the last election because i like John McCain, and because i thought the Democrats were too weak on national security. But i am so Glad President Obama is doing such a great job of finding solutions to the huge mess we find our selves in. I am so disgusted by some of these hateful statements by Rush Limbaugh and others in the so called conservative movement like, they want President Obama to fail, that i am really starting to understand why they lost so miserably in the last general election. If these people are the new face of the Republican party, i can tell them right now, they are in a lot of trouble.... I mean really don't these idiot ever consider that if Obama fails, the country fails?
Republican leaders don't have any plan of their own when it comes to getting the country out of this huge mess that i might add they got us into in the first place, and when other people like the President roll up their sleeves to do the dirty work and heavy lifting, they have the audacity to criticize him. If Republicans and their sorry excuse for a party don't have anything to offer the American people, they should just shut the hell up and let the President do his job...
If ever there was a time for U.S authorities to finally think about closing the southern border with Mexico now would be that time. Execution style murders, violent home invasions, and a spiraling kidnap rate in Phoenix -- where police reported an average of one abduction a day last year linked to Mexican crime are becoming an everyday affair for residents who live in States that share common border with Mexico. In southern California, police have investigated cases of Americans abducted by armed groups tied to the Tijuana drug trade. One involved a businesswoman and her teenage daughter snatched in San Diego last year and held to ransom south of the border.
In south Texas, a live hand grenade traced back to a Mexican cartel stash was tossed onto the pool table of a bar frequented by off-duty police officers in January. The pin was left in it and the assailant fled.
This is not a Democrat or a Republican issue, this is about homeland security and keeping our citizens safe. As a sign of how out of control things have become,The State Department is renewing a travel advisory warning Americans about violence in Mexico, especially along the U.S. border, the U.S. But there's even more evidence the cartels are operating with near impunity as they wage bloody battle for control of lucrative smuggling routes into the U.S. Last year ended with a grisly flourish: 12 soldiers were found decapitated with this note: "For every one of us you kill, we'll kill 10.
The cartel carnage and brutality are escalating so rapidly - and the authorities are so besieged - that some U.S. analysts are warning that Mexico is in danger of collapse, leaving a lawless, failed state right across the southern U.S. border.
A recent Pentagon report warned that if trends continue into the next decade, the U.S. must be on alert for the possible "rapid and sudden collapse" of Mexico. It is time to shut the border, place national guards on it and to seriously start thinking about that fence that we have been talking about building for so long.
An Indonesian photographer Ilham Anas who look so much like Our President have become somewhat of an instant celebrity in his home Country.
A combination photo shows U.S. president Barack Obama (L), taken January 17, 2009 as he speaks during a ceremony in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and Indonesian photographer Ilham Anas, taken January 20, 2009 in Jakarta. Anas, 34, who from some angles bears a resemblance to the new U.S. president, shot to fame in Jakarta after Obama, 47, won the election in November.
After a humiliating defeat last fall in which they lost both the White House and Congress, it was about time in my opinion, they started opening up the party to more minorities.
Steele is a good man, and the RNC made a good choice tonight.
Oh my God, Have you heard this story of a 22 year old San Diego woman who is selling her virginity to the highest bidder? Natalie Dylan not her real name, said that if the offers become deals she would not go through with the auction of her virginity - provided she earned $1.54 million ($US1m) from the deals.
More than 10,000 men have pledged more than $5 million online to claim Natalie's virginity, with an Australian businessman leading the bidding. The auction is being run on a Nevada brothel website. Oh My GOD! IS THIS WHAT OUR SOCIETY HAS BEEN REDUCED TO? God help us all.
Yesterday i watched with utter disgust people booing President Bush as he was leaving Washington for Texas during Obama's Inauguration. I mean really even if you did not like the man or his policies, we should respect the fact that he was one of our Presidents and we should send him home with all the respect a President deserves. Now that George W. Bush has left the White House, and his administration has officially ended, What his legacy will be in the United States and the world at large as he leaves office, is still been debated by so called political pundits . It is true, he made some colossal mistakes at home and abroad on the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq . It is also true his relations with America's allies, especially in Europe, have been abysmal. But outside of the Middle East and Europe, Bush has been successful, especially in Asia and Africa.
For years, America has given lip service to African disease and poverty. But Bush reversed course, and today millions of Africans receive free medicine for AIDs, TB and Malaria. Half of all African food aid comes from the US. The Millenium Challenge, a very effective program in which rich countries ban together to foster economic development in poor countries, was created by Bush. When President Clinton had a chance to save thousands of people in Rwanda civil crisis during the 90s, he refused to get involve, calling it an African Problem, and because of America and the world's inaction almost a million people die in the Rwanda Genocide. Bush on the other hand got involved in Africa like no other president before him, he demanded that Liberian Tyrant Charles Taylor leaves office and send U.S soldiers to help stabilized the country, in the process ending almost 2 decades of civil war that left the country in a state of total ruin. He called Sudan's military actions in Darfur, Genocide when most African and European countries refused to call it so. Most Americans especially on the far left have been hard in my opinion of the President, some insulting and calling him the worst president ever, but they fail to understand that the President was commander in chief in extraordinary times and he made decisions under extraordinary circumstances, to keep the homeland safe. for that alone i am thankful for his presidency. being a Stanch Democrat as i am,i really hated the policies of his administration, but as time went by, i started to understand that in order to fight terrorism and keep the Homeland safe, we had to fight those wars, i started to look at and admire the President in a whole new light. Whatever his critics in the Liberal media say, President Bush, unlike any other U.S. Presidents, change dramatically the way the United States dealt with radicals who were bent on killing Americans, and the way the U.S did business in poor countries around the world. The media might be hard on his legacy now, but in time history will be more gentle on his presidency, and we as Americans will look back and see how we not only disrespected a good and caring man who loves his country, but also how unfairly we treated him to the end. Farewell Mr President not only were a great friend of Africa, but you did all you could to keep America safe. may God bless you and your family as you end this chapter of your life and begin a new one.
Though i did not vote or supported him when he ran for the Presidency, i still wish the new President well as a new chapter begins in our Nation history. we have a long road ahead of us, God Bless this Great Country of ours, and God Bless the President.......
"Some people dream of great accomplishments while others stays awake and achieve them".
"Freedom is never more than one generation from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same."
God, Country, Family......... Service before self.
America the beautiful.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
Please feel free to leave a note, or comment.
Ask not what your country can do for you,ask what can i do for my country." John F Kennedy.
10 year blogging anniversary
Hello! I just realized that I missed my 10 year blogging anniversary. Of
course, I've barely blogged for the past few years, so I'm not sure it
*Rilke: Fall Day*
Summer in Seattle has grown lackadaisical this past half decade, arriving
late after a listless don't-plant-tomatoes Spring, then coming ...
coming from a Mixed Taiwanese(dad is from Taipei, Taiwan) and African heritage(mom is African from Liberia)i was born and raise in Liberia,a small country on the west coast of africa, but i now live in Minneapolis, Minnesota,the United states. i have had some of the best years of my life here in my adopted state, and country. i have come to love everything about Minnesota, the wonderful and friendly people,and the many great and caring friends i have made over the years,i am proud of both my Chinese and African heritage,But above anything i am proud to be a citizen of these great United States. i am a big fan of African music, and classic Chinese music.
truly my experience in my adopted country have been everything i expected and more.