Just days after their victory in which the Democrats took control of both the White house and the Congress, they are ready for revenge and retribution against anybody who did not subscribe to their way of thinking.
The first in many casualties it seems will be Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman.
Lieberman met privately with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who afterward reiterated Democratic concerns. Reid, in a sternly worded statement after the 45-minute meeting, said no official decisions have been made. But an aide to the Nevada Democrat said Reid was leaning toward removing Lieberman as chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.
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Lieberman backed McCain over Obama for president largely because McCain, unlike Obama, supported the Iraq war. He appeared regularly with McCain on the campaign trail and spoke at the Republican Party's national convention.
In endorsing McCain, Lieberman became the first nominee of a major party presidential ticket to later support a candidate of the opposing party. He was Al Gore's No. 2 in the 2000 White House race.
Despite splitting with most Democrats on the war in Iraq, Lieberman tends to vote with them on domestic issues such as health care, education and the environment.
In my opinion these greedy and power hungry democrats are all hypocrites, Let's unite they say for the good of the country, but, NO, let's punish those who differ from the Democrat agenda.
Joe Lieberman is an honest, decent politician who votes with his conscious not just his party. He had every right to back McCain, just like some of us who supported Hillary Clinton decided to support Senator McCain for president. And by God if this is the politics of hope and change they have been preaching all along, then we are all in deep shit.
Joe is an asset to the Democratic party and Harry Reid and Nancy Polosi will be foolish in their thinking if they let him go.
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