Arizona's Republican Governor Jan Brewer signed into state law yesterday one of the most despicable piece of legislation that almost immediately turn Arizona into a police like State.
The law, which proponents and critics alike said was the broadest and strictest immigration measure in generations, would make the failure to carry immigration documents by citizens and non-citizens alike, a crime and give the police broad power to detain anyone suspected of being in the country illegally. Opponents have called it an open invitation for harassment and discrimination against Hispanics and minorities regardless of their citizenship status.
To see such hate in Arizona was truly shocking, but i am not surprise, this is exactly what happens when right wing lunatics and racists run Government. If those Klans men in the State Capital had their way, Arizona will be an all white State, President Obama would be in the their fields picking cottons, and every one who does not look like J.D hayworth, Joe Arpaio, or Russell Pearce will be apprehended and sent to jail.
This kind of blatant racism and total lack of respect for other peoples rights should not be Ignore, Abraham Lincoln one of our greatest American President once said " those who deny Freedom to others deserve it not for themselves" and this despicable law will do just that.
Lets not forget folks injustice anywhere in the United States is injustice everywhere, the law that was sign yesterday into law will violate the rights of many Americans in that State, it is unconstitutional and it must not stand.
Protesters were out in force to protest the signing of the racist Bill
We are calling on Americans all over this wonderful country and the world to boycott Arizona until that racist law SB1070 is repealed. We ask: Tourists to avoid Arizona, businesses and consumers to not purchase anything produced in, or shipped from Arizona; we ask all groups and associations to hold their conventions elsewhere, we ask all financial institutions to not loan to any Arizona company, business or individual, the federal Government should withhold Federal funding, if even one American Citizen right is violated, and finally we ask individuals to avoid any sort of travel to Arizona, because you risked been harassed and intimidated by their Gestapo and their Storm troopers like police.
While we all agree that illegal Immigration is a problem in this country, we have to find some other way to fight the problem other then tramping on the rights of our fellow Americans.