It would seem that the Republican party strategy of returning to power is to be the just say no party.
I voted republican the last election because i like John McCain, and because i thought the Democrats were too weak on national security. But i am so Glad President Obama is doing such a great job of finding solutions to the huge mess we find our selves in.
I am so disgusted by some of these hateful statements by Rush Limbaugh and others in the so called conservative movement like, they want President Obama to fail, that i am really starting to understand why they lost so miserably in the last general election. If these people are the new face of the Republican party, i can tell them right now, they are in a lot of trouble....
I mean really don't these idiot ever consider that if Obama fails, the country fails?
Republican leaders don't have any plan of their own when it comes to getting the country out of this huge mess that i might add they got us into in the first place, and when other people like the President roll up their sleeves to do the dirty work and heavy lifting, they have the audacity to criticize him.
If Republicans and their sorry excuse for a party don't have anything to offer the American people, they should just shut the hell up and let the President do his job...