Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Perry: U.S. Should Buy More Canadian Oil So ‘We Don’t Have To Buy From A Foreign Source’

The New York Times today has a quick run down of the biggest applause lines Rick Perry receives out on the campaign trail in Iowa. The Times reports that the crowd at one of Perry’s speeches “perked up” when the Texas governor talked energy and oil. “Every barrel of oil that comes out of those sands in Canada is a barrel of oil that we don’t have to buy from a foreign source,” Perry said, adding that buying so much energy from foreign countries is “not good policy, it’s not good politics and frankly it‘s un-American.”With such ridiculous statements one cannot help but wonder How could Rick Perry have gotten elected for anything other than dog catcher? I never in a million years would have thought anyone from Texas could be stupider than Dubya, but Ricky boy is sure giving him a run for his money.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Philly Mayor blast black parents over violent teen mobs.....

The painful images and graphic stories of repeated violent assaults and vandalism by mobs of black teenagers had gotten to be too much for Mayor Michael Nutter.

As an elected official and a "proud black man" in the nation's fifth-largest city, Nutter felt he had to go a step beyond ordering a law enforcement crackdown.

So he channeled the spirit of another straight-talking Philadelphian: Bill Cosby. Nutter took to the pulpit at his church last weekend and gave an impassioned, old-fashioned talking-to directed at the swarms of teens who have been using social networks to arrange violent sprees downtown, injuring victims and damaging property. Moreover, he called out parents for not doing a better job raising their children.

"You've damaged yourself, you've damaged another person, you've damaged your peers and, quite honestly, you've damaged your own race," Nutter said at Mount Carmel Baptist Church.He called out absentee fathers and neglectful parents. He did not mince words, saying they need to be more than just a "sperm donor" or a "human ATM."

"That's part of the problem in our community," Nutter told the congregation. "Let me speak plainer: That's part of the problem in the black community. ... We have too many men making too many babies they don't want to take care of and then we end up dealing with your children."

At a National Association for the Advancement of Colored People gathering in 2004, It can be recalled Bill Cosby chided the black community in a speech commemorating the 50th anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education, the legal case that toppled segregated education.

"These people marched and were hit in the face with rocks to get an education and now we've got these knuckleheads walking around," Cosby said then.

"I can't even talk the way these people talk, 'Why you ain't,' 'Where you is' ... and I blamed the kid until I heard the mother talk," the entertainer said.

Unfortunately while a lot of people in the black community believe this is a problem that needs to be address, Others say he's airing private community matters now that crime is sprouting downtown, near businesses and popular tourist attractions in a sprawling city with many other sections already plagued by persistent gun violence.

Annette John-Hall, a black columnist for The Philadelphia Inquirer, wrote this week that the mayor crossed a line when he said, "You've damaged your own race."

"We can deal with the public tongue-lashing, even if his intended targets were nowhere to be found among the law-abiding churchgoers in their Sunday best," John-Hall wrote. She went on to say, "But what really bothered me was when Nutter fired the age-old salvo that has historically evoked head-hanging shame among black folks."

That is just the Problem from my point of view too, it seems every time you call on black folks to correct the many problems we have in the black community, they get angry, call you an Uncle Tom, or worse. We need to grow up and take care of our responsibilities and not always blame the White man or anybody else for our problems.

The sad fact is many in the 'inner community' will chide him as being an 'uncle tom' for demanding that people account themselves for their actions.

Bill Cosby made similar statements and was raked across the coals for it.

In one attack last month, a man ended up in the hospital with broken teeth and a wired jaw after a group of teenagers attacked him downtown. Hours later, a crowd of young people assaulted four other men. The city plans to increase legal sanctions for parents whose children participate in the attacks. Nutter has also said strict enforcement of a curfew will continue and more programs at youth centers will be offered.

For his part, the mayor said he felt he had no choice but to go to the pulpit Sunday, regardless of the reaction.

"This is about personal responsibility," he told the AP. "We have to be very straightforward."

Philadelphia's first black district attorney, Seth Williams, also lauded the mayor for using his position as one of the city's most visible leaders to confront a public problem.

"What he was saying was perfectly accurate. People need to hear that," Williams said. "Call it for what it is."

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Another hypocrite Republican caught with his pants down................

Rep. Christopher Lee of New York abruptly resigned with only a vague explanation of regret after gossip website Gawker reported that the married congressman had sent a shirtless photo of himself to a woman whose Craigslist ad he answered, identifying himself as a 39-year-old divorced lobbyist.
This is just another typical Republican hypocrite who espouses family values, but doesn't live them.

Lee initially tried going the traditional route of denying anything untoward, insisting his computer had been hacked. But that didn't last long: Around 5 p.m., Lee tendered his resignation to House speaker John Boehner and about an hour and a half after that, he released a public statement acknowledging that he'd made "profound mistakes" that had harmed his family.
To think this guy has been one of the foremost defender of family values in Washington is a shocker. But then what really can you expect from the Republicans, they are all a bunch of lairs, racist, and hypocrites who have this do as i say attitude but don't do as i do,

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Children's nutrition bill Blocked by Republicans......

House Republicans have blocked legislation to feed school meals to thousands of hungry children. Republicans used a procedural maneuver Wednesday to try to amend the $4.5 billion bill, which would give more needy children the opportunity to eat free lunches at school and make those lunches healthier. First lady Michelle Obama has lobbied for the bill as part of her "Let's Move" campaign to combat childhood obesity.
Trillions for the military industrial complex good, but Millions to feed hungry American school children bad. Tax cuts for the mega rich who line our politicians pockets good. Tax cuts for those who lost their jobs and can't care for their children bad. Money for fake wars good. Money to help our veterans bad. Congressmen and senators giving themselves nice pay raises good. Having a minimum wage which someone could live off of bad. Platinum socialized medical plan for Congressmen and Senators good. Medical plan for the average joe bad. Money to train people to kill others good. Money to train people to help others bad.Is this what Good christian conservative values means???? I have a better chance of getting to heaven then these hateful, greedy. warmongering fools.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Barbara Bush to the queen of hate Sarah Palin, Stay in Alaska.................

Former First Lady Barbara Bush spoke frankly about her feelings regarding Sarah Palin the queen of the Tea party in an interview with Larry King which will be air on Monday.

When asked by King what her impressions of the former Alaska governor were, Barbara Bush quickly responded, "I sat next to her once. Thought she was beautiful. And I think she's very happy in Alaska, and I hope she'll stay there."

In the excerpt posted on CNN, King laughed, but the video does not show any follow-up questions.

Let's hope that this tea-bag Barbie doll will stay PERMANENTLY in Alaska, This disaster on heels is an embarrassment to the the whole country, better yet mama grizzly should wait till the water freezes over in Alaska, walk across to Russia which she can see from her back door........and stay there... and bring some of her racist batshit racist tea baggers with her.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Stupid Tea Beggers needs to shut the hell up........

AS an American, i almost crinch literally every time Tea party folks open their big mouths to speak, Their Ignorance and stupidity is really mind boggling. These are the folks the rest of the civilize world will see and measure us to.
Canada should build a huge fence to keep these Ignorant, hateful Bat-shit on our side of the border.

Here is Bill Maher setting the record straight for Tea Beggers.....

If America thinks the crazies and the loonies in the tea party will do better, then by all means vote for them on November second,we will soon know their true agenda, these people are hateful people, and there is nothing good that can ever come from them.

It amazes me how Americans have the attention span of a fruit fly, They seem to think the problems it took eight years to create can be fixed in two, What really have the President and Democrats done so wrong? fighting for universal health care for all, is that so Bad? Conservatism and the GOP/Tea party agenda has failed and we don't have to look back that far to see it fail.

There is already talk of impeaching President Obama If the GOP takes congress in November, the Klan cannot wait to destroy the first Black President. we have to stop these people from going anywhere near Government.

I am amaze that some Americans actually take these people serious. But then again some really do think that Peter Griffin & Homer Simpson are real.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Communist East Germany a Model for securing our Border says Crazy Joe Miller.......

Joe crazy Miller the Lunatic from Alaska

The United States could learn some great ideas from Communist East Germany about how to keep our borders secure, Alaska's Republican Senate candidate Joe Miller suggested at a town hall Sunday night. "The first thing that has to be done is secure the border," Miller said when asked about illegal immigration into the United States, Miller continued, "East Germany was very, very able to reduce the flow. Now, obviously, other things were involved. We have the capacity to, as a great nation, secure the border. If East Germany could, we could.

Between this idiocy from Miller and the news that O'Donnell the other crazy lady running for the Senate seat in Delaware who had no idea the 1st Amendment to the Constitution prohibits the Government from establishing a national religion...well, what can you say? The Republican party must have really outdone themselves this time, To imply that the Berlin Wall is a positive example of immigration control is beyond insane and once again proves the Tea Party and the GOP is full of hateful, Ignorant, stupid and really crazy people. Besides The East German wall was built to keep it citizens from leaving, not the other way around.

We have a Tea party backed candidate in Ohio dressing up and playing Nazis, Joe Crazy Miller up in Alaska who thinks East Germany was a model Country, and wants to build a Berlin Style wall along our southern Border to shoot illegal immigrants, and off course the other crazy lady from Nevada, Sharron Angle who wants to abolished social security, i mean how low can these Crazies go? We have to do everything to stop these lunatics from going anywhere near Government.